I imagine myself in /med/

I imagine myself in /med/

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They just appeared in Tarantino's new movie.
They put a good act.

pic is from Cannes, have to see it yet

Attached: 1557975662830.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

Leo is a jewel of a man, a real treasure

Brad and Leo are both white

fuck cuckatino

Why do you hate him?
He is a genius.

How the fuck can Brad Pitt be 55 years old?

he's a fucking cuck

Attached: tarantinobtfo.jpg (779x767, 123K)

because of the new movie

Attached: 1562019172995.jpg (1082x720, 368K)

He seems pretty fucking based in the right pic

Hi frens

Also he's part of the family now

Attached: quentin-tarantino.jpg (1179x2000, 1.5M)

Gee Bruce! How come your mom lets you have two tombstones ?

I think I saw a qt beurette tourist today on the bus.

this is /med/ yes?

Now it is.

Attached: 1552112715751.jpg (600x900, 83K)

A minute of silence for the button trying to hold Miriam's diddies.

quite based yes

Attached: miriam leone sunglasses.jpg (1080x1080, 185K)

I think of lewd things when I see this photo.

I think of lewd things when I see Miriam Leone

Attached: miriam.jpg (1920x1280, 2.22M)

Well, yes, but that photo in particular.
Poor granny.

yes, not so sneaky thread

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I wish I was the flower.

>I will take user's virginity if you don't send me a million euros !

Woah, it costs that much?

she has zero ass, that lordosis insta pose isn't helping either.

Neither of the two is Med and brown people cannot be good-looking, DiCaprio has roundheaded Baltid phenotype Slav appearance and Brad Pitt is Northwest Euro mutt without a drop of wog blood

Selling virginity.

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hello fellow Jow Forumsizen

Sold it to Miriam.

Well, it's hard to remove.

Attached: skeleton army.gif (444x250, 3.83M)

The only hard thing I can think of in this situation is my dick at the thought of Miriam forcefully taking my virginity.

For me, it's Ambra

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*goes flaccid because of the pressure*

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I don't know how that can happen. If she got it in her hand, I'd honestly embarrass myself in another way if you know what I mean.

Attached: Speech.webm (960x540, 700K)

based and redpilled

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Attached: Golden.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)


Attached: justininan pepe.png (800x770, 931K)

Attached: infopepe.jpg (1024x500, 46K)

gn med