
Non-degenerate edition

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I am German.

rate my eye

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>this scares the sloni

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I don't even believe in God but each day I pray to him. Please God give me a gf I'm so lonely and just need gf please God I beg you.

I am retarded.


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>cat in the bed

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why do you call him sloni

he is big as slon and sun

There was a Pole who broke out of inceldom and managed to get a gf. He posted some screenshots from his conversations with his gf where she called him "Słoneczko" (sunshine). This was enough for our resident autist to sperg out about how infantile that is, which resulted with him gaining said nickname.

Where's Trami??


In Iceland, depositing his load inside Ottoni EVERY DAY

Attached: death_of_trami.png (560x382, 17K)

Holy based

More like being deposited in her stomach

Without attentionwhores this general would be boring and dead

beter dead than red

Argie and Qtek are busy webcaming, Trami is dead, and yet this general is quite alive

Because we have Słoni

I'll give it a shot and stop larping and see if it survives wo my bumps.

i wish ex yu had attentionwhores like before

Balding "people" need to be purged.

Some kots are quite happy, others it appears not so much.

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you are not as important as you think you are

say no more


I think /ex-yu/ can take the most schizophrenic general title on this board. Nothing comes close to that.

chimkali are p gud

but thats what makes it fun

i meant in this general you magyar autist

The Balkan is probably the most interesting region in Europe

only interesting thing is how fucked in the head all the people are
there really isnt nothing else

Good to visit but not to live in.


I'm fine with that.

do you wear glasses?
i think i should get ones , slight short sight




used to before I got mine corrected

what way? laser?


it was 1500 € + 100 € on meds
You feel miserable for the first week, can't see properly for the next month, but it worths it imo.

>Femwak is an okularnica

qt. thicc thighs and glasses. holy shit how more attractive can she get

>30 years after laser corrective eye surgery became a thing
>still wearing prosthetics

>can't see properly for the next month
when did you get them corrected? A decade ago?
there are new better methods already


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I dunno. My eyesight isnt so bad.

the new and "better" method leaves a flap that can come off when your head gets hit so I choose the better-safe-than-sorry method when your cornea gets removed and regrown, instead of replaced by the old

Who is/was the worst attention poster?





literally Who?

Wtf I thought pepiks were white.

Cute!!! Very cute kot.

>tfw I will bald
Honestly I'm already in tears.

Lurk mehr


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They don’t post much anymore

Why do pepiks pay so much for mobile phone data when there's free roaming through EU?
Can't you buy a SIM abroad, have it sent to your house and pay foreign prices?


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I don't know about Czechia, but I have the most expensive Orange plan and they give me less than 7 gigs per month for use in other EU countries
If that is the case in other countries, getting a Sim from there would be retarded because 7 gigs isn't nearly enough (and cheaper plans offer like half that)

you can't, you have to show your ID in person and sign the contract to be able to get a foreign sim card
muslims literally used cheap-o Hungarian sim cards to plot various attacks in the last decade


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wak thots on instagram became my go to fap material.

sauce me up amigo

But for fuck's sake, don't tell me those messages weren't psychotic as fuck. Here's a shitty translation of the message:
>Hello, sunshine, my dearest, most beloved, most handsome, sweetest, irreplaceable, my only one.
Today I will finally see you, I will look into your beautiful green eyes and I will sink into them forever. Yesterday I got (padaki?) without them, and without your hands, and without your mouth, and without all of you. Nobody cares about me better than you, darling. You spoil me so often and so well. I want to touch you as often as possible, because sometimes I do not believe that you are real, you are such a huge treasure for me. Nobody has such a treasure, I would take you with me on a fucking uninhabited island. You're a perfect teddy bear, I love you with all my heart.... Etc.
It's disturbing.

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It's hot you heartless shell of a human

>tfw fucked up the greentext
I can't do anything right, lads.

didn't you say you like clingy girls

What does "dostawalam padaki" mean?
Yeah but not this cheesy crap.

I was fainting or something like that

Why are Magyar posters so autistic?

mongol-slav mutts
mental issues are very common for mutts

I haven't slept in 3 days because they do this until 23:00, and start at 4:00.


I feel like I am genuinely cursed.


you are, you live in East-Europe

Good that i live quite far from closest church, also commie blocks help to damp the sound from bells.

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>hurr durr Eastern Europe bad
>hurr durr everything below West-tier living standards is le soul-crushing nightmarish hellscape
Just STFU.

The living standards aren't the issue
The people are

at least you have a bell
mafia stole the bell from the church in our city 10 years ago

we have scum here aswell, but not even remotely as much as in Hungary
it's like a pack of hyenas fighting over a carcass at home

Well, shit... Fair point.

rude, dumb and evil people live in V4

And qt Poles desu


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Dumb an*meposter
More respect to your elders, evil zoomer.

>Dumb an*meposter

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