My area is a mostly Asian, Indian and Muslim in D.C

My area is a mostly Asian, Indian and Muslim in D.C.

The most amazing thing is how these Americanized Muslim girls are bitchy and slutty like normal American girls, yet they still wear that rag on their head.

Isn't that an insult to Allah?

Attached: 9285b7a861d6ca6702fd34ecc32a1f61.jpg (640x506, 60K)

The longer they stay the more likely it is for the hijab to come off to be honest

Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense. If you wanted to imitate the west and become a whore then there's no point in keeping your hijab on. You either follow Islam, or you don't follow it. No in-betweens

>Isn't that an insult to Allah?
yes. No one takes diaspora muslims seriously

Nah man.

Our culture is all about "my racial identity" so they will keep it as a symbol of their Muslim race

Being muslim makes it easier to get gibs so that's probably why they are still superficially muslim

Even if they keep it on muslims here in about twenty or thirty years down the road are going to be a wishy washy version of how they are now. Jow Forums seems to think that muslims immigrating to North America or Europe is going to make it more Islamized when ironically the opposite is happening. Muslims zoomers and millennials become very progressive after getting here and will more likely move away from tradition then keep it.

An insult to Allah? Its only called Allah because they keeping coughing on it while making radicalized execution laws because its so fucking annoying finding your muslim husband blowing another male muslim so there wearing foreskin on there heads thats the only thing that make sense here.

But they will not be fully assimilated like the Jews

I went to Malaysia and Indonesia back in July. Shit blew my mind--groups of hijabi girls standing on the sidewalk smoking cigarettes, others downing shots in dingy bars, dancing like whores and trying to flirt.

I've been to a handful of Middle-Eastern and other Muslim-majority countries and regions and never seen hijabi girls being that fucking degenerate.

Just because they dont fuck you doesnt mean they’re all whores. It just means you’re not attractive.

Please go outside

they know hijab fetish is a draw

Malaysia and Indonesia are degenerate as fuck though. Both countries are tolerable to LGBT and other faggotry.

Isn't faggotry illegal in both?

Maybe 'officially' but its everywhere and the cops don't do shit about it.

I agree but the cognitive dissonance is too strong for them..also probs so their dads and brothers don't disown them

It's their way of identifying themselves as Muslim and acting as an anchor to their background, and probably satisfying their family's desire to not slide into complete westernization.

I'm part Southeast Asian (the Buddhist kind) and I can tell you that the Hijab and islam is mostly a colonial era identity symbol to really people against colonists.

Indonesians din't start wearing hijabs until the 20th century

My friend says his hijab friend drinks and does drugs while wearing the hijab.

Interesting. Thanks for the insight, user. I've never been partial to Southeast Asian history or culture, so I'll admit that I didn't know that.

>not to slide into Westernization

Then why do they come to the WEST?


>No one takes diaspora muslims seriously

>they are as slutty
>amateur porn is rare, old and shitty quality

pick one or post links

> why do they want to immigrate out of a war torn country
> why would an educated Muslim want to live to a country with more employment opportunities ?

I don’t know it puzzles me too

They practiced a kind of Islam-Hindu-Buddhist-Antimist syncretism from the 15-19th century.

In the 20th century they started copying the Middle East and mostly got rid of the ancient Hindu-Buddhust-Animist aspects

Some still survive in the national epic of the Ramayana


this the Muslims here are not even patriotic. none of them have American flags in their homes.

They are so screwy here. There is a UAE poster in NYC (I'm also in NYC) which says wearing all of it and especially the ones who were things like leopard print ones, defeats the purpose because it draws attention to the person.

I visited Srinagar a few years ago and there were signs up over a bunch of mosques that told women they weren't real Muslims unless they wore full burqas, kek.