There exist couples whose only common language is English, and neither one of them is a native speaker

>there exist couples whose only common language is English, and neither one of them is a native speaker

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I can't speak chinese, and my gf can't speak arabic

wish I had an italian girl to fuck

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Wish I were pewdiepie

90% of Jow Forums couples

also I don't know much about Marzia but Felix is a literal 10/10 millionaire chad in this picture and you would think he could do better


Great post really

C’est fini.

He's got a wide nose like a Negro from Africa

if ever there were a pure and invigorating motivation for learning a language, learning your partner's mother tongue would be it

I find it unacceptable that couples that have been together for years have not begun that step

she's cute until she opens her mouth
my god that is an annoying voice

my mother is Tamil and my father is Punjabi. both don't know each others language, but they speak in Hindi to each other

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This isn't uncommon. English is lingua franca.

and both of them speak weird butchered yuropoor English lmao

it is useful to be able to speak a language your significant other doesnt understand

>my mother is Tamil and my father is Punjabi.
wow, rare WMBF couple

get fucked non-anglos

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Macron tells me it will be French soon

>not having 3 languages in common with your significant other
Get on my level.

uhmmm sweaty English is a Germanic language. Seems like I won another internet argument. Gud luck next time incel :^)

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Don’t they live in England though?

>Anglos come from Saxon Germanic bvlls raping Celtic women
The Eternal Anglo has been finished. How will he recover now?

Can't rape the willing

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Well they know that Anglos came with the saxons. That's why the culture is called anglo-saxon

yeah my gf and i are like that too, it's pretty fun

english can be bullshit sometimes but it's cool that you can use it to talk to other people from all over the world.


Pewdiepie's gf is a HS dropout afaik.

She's a dumb lazy bitch who lucked into a millionaire bf. It's a wonder she knows English at all.

Yea, totally
>büdde giv me zhe schnitzel, Aishegül
>*terorrist gibberish*

She unironically use to mog him but it seems as hes matured hes got better looking while she has gotten slightly worse. Although i'll assume this is just a shitty pic,

the absolute state of france

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Based berber bull impregnating incel's designated asian stock

she's a shitalian what do you expect

where is your gf from
why does she not speak german

she's dutch
she doesn't speak german because she never lived in germany, duh
we just both live very close to the border and i went to uni in nijmegen for one semester

Literally me with my magyar gf but shes learning Polish

>shes learning Polish
You're teaching your gf how tobfix a toilet and crack cars?

insectoids genes are weak if you plan to breed your thing

Like you're one to talk,

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nearly acceptable
sounds like you are the shitter for not learning dutch then
>nederlands """english"""
lmao insufferable accent


they should learn the other's language once they decide to stay in one or the other country

I'm not berber

Lingua Americana, bong


>sounds like you are the shitter for not learning dutch then
but im learning it, and she's learning german too
hallo waar is de goudse kaas :DDD
but we still speak english because we both speak it fluently

i think the dutch (or "dütch" as they say) accent is funny desu, and kinda cute. i wish my gf had more of an accent really, her english is pretty good, probably better than mine
dutch people are really elitist about english though, at least compared to other countries in my experience

we do, mostly for our families though, but i will probably move there next year

my gf doesn't want to learn finnish and i don't want to learn korean

Dutch is just German with a funny accent.

No she is a Mongolian COW with conqueror blood, only dicklet Whitoids fuck Jap/Gook/Han insectoids and SEA monkeys

I thought asians hated nafris

I'm trying to pick up Finnish but shit is hard af and there is no point since she lives with me. French or English that is.

kind of yeah
although honestly the fact that it's so similar makes it harder to learn, because basically you have to remember which things are different and which are the same instead of just learning a completely new ruleset and dictionary

word gender is one of the worst things, most things that are der- oder die-words are de-words and das-words are usually het-words, but SOME are not and that makes things confusing cause it sounds really wrong (de auto, het gevangenis etc)

Wait, you're the one who isn't German, right?

Like you're one to talk

we're all fucked aren't we?

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no, i am german, my gf is dutch


>i am german and my gf is german
What's the issue then?

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i aint a nafri, i didn't grow up in europe, i'm just here for some time, but after my experience, i saw a lot of asian/moroccan couples, especially in the universities, whites females are only popular among nafris and illegal bledards

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Anglos were Germans too, they are from the Angeln peninsula

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Could be she got in early.

>french speaking British gf
>my english is miles better than her french is however
>mfw we still speak french together because fuck anglos

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Hindi isn't a real language though


It's ok zhang, there is still some asian women who like asian men, never lose hope

that's right. problem?

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Most french post I've seen all day desu.


No Anglos were Germanic not German.

Fuck this country, please nuke us

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Just spend some time looking at couples. Very few of them will be 2 good looking people. Usually three types: attractive/average, average/average, ugly/ugly

ugly/ugly masterrace reporting in

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But why? Being French sounds pretty great.

I only speak English and my gf speaks English + German.
I feel like an idiot desu

they married because his carreer was going to shit, see now he's doing shitty Minecraft videos. who the fuck plays Minecraft other than retarded 9yo kids?

I can fuck you like a girl if you want

>thinking your own girlfriend is ugly
Your poor gf

Quintessentially French

C'mon, m8. Cutiepie is pretty handsome and she's cute. You're thinking way too deep into it.

Based modern Frenchman

I know that feel, I can't speak French and my gf can't speak Spanish

Yes because Africans speak French and they are colonizing the whole world. We were playing 4d Chess since the beginning
Better learn some French mon ami

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What's your ethnicity bro?

I'm not your bro you american piece of shit

I was thinking about this!

Let's say my gf will be German/Polish/Swedish/Spanish/French etc

let's say our English is good upper-intermediate, like a ~C1.

and the chance she will learn Russian to a C1 or higher or me learning her language to C1 or higher is not that big. Because
a) laziness
b) when we can have the option of having any conversation in an English, will we bother to master our each other native languages to the C1+ levels? It's hard.
c) once you learn the language to the B2 level, the level enough to hold a relationships with her circle, its harder to step into C1(lazy)

seethats the whole point of Jow Forumsrelationship


is she German?

Pewdiepie is sub 6 ft manlet

They were together before he made it big so she's not a gold digging thottie and she seems lovely all around.

I hope your parents die horribly.

my gf dont speak indian haha i actually have no gf haha

Yo chill

>speak in portuguese to gf
>she speaks in spanish to me

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yeah i think hes french

They are honestly beautiful

>because Africans speak French
Have you ever tried speaking to a fresh off the boat negro?

Oh please.
He's got a perfect face and you know it.

Her Dad taught her to speak VERY good English.
He speaks Spanish/English/German.