First death by measles in 22 years confirmed in São Paulo

The death happens as São Paulo is suffering froma measles breakout with 2,500 confirmed cases

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this is what happens when you burn the forest


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That's what happens when you give your children monkey soup

God will punish you monkeys for burning the forest. This is only the beginning of his divine wrath.

Nothing of value was lost.

this desu

>What? so you mean if i burn the forest more brazilians will die? i guess i will accelerate things a bit

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>haha put heavy metals inside your developing kid, it's not the unchecked turd worlder immigrants' fault

when is there going to be an outbreak of some new disease that kills millions? we've waited too long.

who cares about 3rd worlders

Guarantee you that nobody who had been vaccinated for measles died. Deflect all you want, if your kid dies from preventable diseases you have only yourself to blame.

how the fuck do you die of measels that disease is harmless
in half of countries measles arent even vaccinated against how irrelevant that disease is

>fucking measles
lmao do you know what measles are
do you retards also vaccinate against chickenpox

>do you retards also vaccinate against chickenpox
yes in fact we do


Vaccination is somewhat mandatory here and if your child dies or is severely damaged by a preventable disease the parents can be charged for child neglect. Immigrants and I think even tourists need vaccination.

It can fatal for children and people with weakened immune systems.

>Also called rubeola, measles can be serious and even fatal for small children. While death rates have been falling worldwide as more children receive the measles vaccine, the disease still kills more than 100,000 people a year, most under the age of 5.

>It can fatal for children and people with weakened immune systems.
well thats obviously an exception and obviously those are going to get vaccinated, but to say that its somehow gonna cause some kind of plague like tuberculosis or spanish flu means you dont understand shit about medicine
literally everyone i know had chickenpox and measles except me, my parents had me vaccinated cause i was sickly as a child

Google herd immunity.

Be careful, there's DNA in your food
I heard this shit is involved in genetic diseases

Yeah it's hardly serious, I think the worst we had in São Paulo was the H1N1 outbreak, I actually contracted it and thought it was just a normal flu, then the second day I got really bad like the worst I have ever been but I didn't want to go to the hospital, the next day I woke up and was almost all good thanks to my chad immune system, but it took me a week or so to fully recover. I eventually moved to the countryside because living in the city is like asking to get sick.

It's no surprise most of those outbreaks happen in big cities with lots of people squeezed in small spaces like buses and metro.

lmao what the fuck for, we just spread them around kindergartens so everyone develops immunity

what about herd immunity?
>H1N1 outbreak
isnt h1n1 only animal borne now, i could be wrong
>but it took me a week or so to fully recover
could be regualr flu, i have a shit immune system so my flus are usually mroe severe and last longer

>disease never happened before the brown people entered europe
what a dumbass

Immigrants from countries that did not eradicate those diseases are responsible from bringing them back though.

>Measles cases have been reported again in the Americas, especially in Venezuela, which has failed to vaccinate its population for political and economic reasons.
>The return of the measles virus to Brazilian territory has been linked to Venezuelan immigration to the northern region, which began in 2014, which explains the incidence of the virus in the Amazon and Roraima, which border the country in a serious socio-political crisis.

>we just spread them around kindergartens so everyone develops immunity
Do you get the witch doctor to bless them beforehand? I suppose the kids with immune-deficiencies simply died because it was part of God's plan.

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next time republitards vaccinate against common cold cause their party was generously donate by the pharma industry

God you don't even fucking know what vaccines are do you
Vaccines are weaker forms of the diseases that can't do harm but makes your body develop immunity against the real form too. It's basically doing exactly that but safer and you don't have to worry about children fucking dying.

Cool, have fun with your dead kids.

Go back to black posting, nigger lover

>in Brazil

If you mean refugees, we have Haitians and Venezuelans.

Immigrant right?

>inb4 it's a French bioweapon and will kill 25% of the population

Last year it came from Venezuela, now it came from Malta, Israel and Norway.

based retard

Same thing is happening here, I stopped eating at restaurants because of this, dont want to catch leprosy or any other weird thing because of some colombian, venezuelan or haitian working in the kitchens

hopefully more to come

>One of the more relevant cunts in the world, even as far as being considered somewhat of a emerging power
>Not having immigrants
Dude, there are immigrants even in small cunts.

>European sluts fucking immigrants by the droves
>contract a bunch of shit
>travel to South America and proceed to spread said shit

It's basically inevitable at this point.

Stop living in the capital.

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Brazil is actually pretty good when it comes to vaccines

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>letting weak kids live
They will grow up to become incel shooters

Well some of us have to do *something* about those diseases from mosquitoes. Living in a tropical country is no joke

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Yes, nigger. Thats why we vax