Parents are both different races AND 1st gen immigrants

>parents are both different races AND 1st gen immigrants
>speak 3 languages by default, without ever studying

Attached: itoddlers.gif (220x216, 39K)

yet you're still a brown smelly subhuman

I speak 5 languages, I won

There are 3 Croats in our kitchen. They all say Croatia is a shithole and you can't even earn enough to afford rent and food if you are young.

Dios Mio...

Why are Jow Forums tards so cringe? Go with the flow and get into racemixing bro

what countries are your parents from?

Portugal and Iran, I'm a bastard tho, even if my parents deny I was an accident.

Polish, Yugospeech, Slovakian, Czech and so on barely classify as different languages.

If other slavic languages don't count then it'd be 4, keep guessing

t. happa subhuman.

You are magnitudes browner than I am.

I would guess Polish, English, German/French or Italian and 1 random language...


I'm full ethnic Polish. I don't get why you call me a hapa. Mostly because there are practically no hapas in Poland.

>I'm full ethnic polish
Even worse.


>I'm full ethnic Polish.

Attached: CnCL38hWcAATsCu.jpg (500x378, 37K)

O dios mío... el orco de las tierras germánicas

mutts fear the polish bvll

croatia is a shithole, but compared to germany, compared to iran and portugal its heaven on earth

santa madre... el goblino

this is the kraut who spams amerimutt memes

>parents are both natives
>speak 2 languages by default, without even studying

Attached: friuli.png (928x624, 154K)

>Parente are both from European Russia
>Parents are both apart of the same ethnic group
>Don't speak Russian at all
Heh. Whiter than you, Ahmed.

Attached: IMG_6924.png (717x540, 331K)

Litrerally 0% white Portugal is Arab and iran is caucasus


I bet your iranian parent looks same as your moortuguese or Iranian parent is whiter than moortugal

Attached: EUvsNA.png (2028x924, 370K)

>Portugal is Arab
>Caucasus is not white

Attached: angryutt.png (1200x1200, 54K)

I posted my picture you brown creature.

>Portugal is Arab
>Caucasus is not white
All true.

Attached: 3000.jpg (3000x2000, 1.17M)

You look like a mutt. Also lose some weight chubby.

Attached: murica.png (400x400, 38K)

>speaking worthless thirdie langs
kek, brownoids

Attached: 1548457239179.png (800x800, 12K)

Do people ask where in middle East you come from?

You ever asked a German what you looked like?

>I look like a mutt
Mutt of what Ahmed?


I don't have any mixture in my ANCESTRY

stop doxxing this poor guy

Nope I'm more German than you are anything else Carlos.

>current year plus 4
>germans still think their language is relevant and white

what the fuck
gypsies learned how to use the internet?

>Nope I'm more German than you are anything else Carlos.

German in what?

Dios mio...

ew stop posting Satania ever again plz

Attached: 1566723547879.gif (372x209, 2.79M)

The Fox of Wet Blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this fox just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

Attached: Laura.png (189x274, 75K)

Thank you Fox of Wet Blankets

You are not cute

You're welcome!