Do y'all tell your dentist you floss?

Do y'all tell your dentist you floss?

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I never flossed once in my life

Does your dentist ask?

she knew i lied

i floss everyday

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Nope, I'm deaf so I don't speak at all.
>go inside
>sit down in chair
>dentist takes her x-rays and pokes around
>showes me something on a picture of cartoon teeth
>she gives me the needle that numbs half your face
>drills and repairs
>do the awkward "thanks and goodbye wave"

I tell him I floss maybe once every six months (it's the truth)

he doesn't even ask

i've never been to a dentist once in my life

mine doesn't

What’s it like being deaf? Do people suck at trying to communicate with you?

Your dentist sucks then

HAHA dumb dumb can't speak speak or hear hear.

you stupid, I hear just fine

>dentist tells me to floss every visit
>don't floss

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i guess he does, at least i us those plackers sometimes

>stay safe out there hong kong poster
honestly who the fuck even flosses on regular basis?

>What’s it like being deaf?
Normal, lost my hearing when I was 11.
>Do people suck at trying to communicate with you?
Yep, most people think it's awkward when they realize I can't hear them.

why? You can still read lips right?

Yep, but most people don't even know that's a thing. I have had people start a conversation with me, realize I'm deaf and then just leave.

I haven't been to a dentist in years

I will probably die from a tooth infection but going to the dentist is so awful

I finally ordered one of those electric brushes since its suppose to be superior to regular once. Anyway I never had any problems with my tooth so far.

>be me
>deathly afraid of the dentist
>don't make a single visit from the age of 18 to 29
>insane tooth ache
>go to dentist, age 29
>extremely scared
>it takes 45 minutes, fell nothing
>realize It's harmless
>fix all my shitty teeth within 18 months after that

You should go user, it's worth it.

:( I'm sorry for my friend. I bet that they think you can't talk as well. Americans are like that as well towards deaf people, so you're not alone

my molars are basically all filler.
I fucking HATE dentists, a nasty tooth hurts like a bitch to fix.

Thanks friend. I'm used to it.
I have some old friends that know and accept me. Even went to a EDM/Techno festival this summer with them (I can still feel the bass and while drunk it's kinda awesome)

>a nasty tooth hurts like a bitch to fix
But how? Don't you guys get the needle with numbing? Literally 5 minutes after you can't even feel your face.

i think the fear has to do more with being in a chair unable to move while someone works around your mouth with sharp objects

pain is felt more intensely if you feel the situation is dangerous

True. Back in the 90's they had a trial medical test here where patients were given anti anxiety medication instead of pain relief and it worked just as well, if not better.
Pain is just a mental game after all, the more you think about it, the worse it gets.

>I can still feel the bass and while drunk it's kinda awesome

I have two that hurt like fuck if I tap on them at the top with my fingernail

I'm afraid they'll have to be removed or something. Also dental hygienists are always extremely rude and mean.