So how much Months you have to Work

To get this piece of plastic , you wagecuck?
Also Iphone price thread

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nearly 2k Dollars here in europe

>I can't afford thing
>It must not be worth it
poorfag cope

Unironically 1/4 of a month, I’m so glad I don’t have anything Apple. Motorola phone and thinkpad laptop

one month

>not buying the pocomeme instead

I have a Samsung Galaxy S8. I paid just about $500 for it. I make $20 per at my job. So without considering anything else like day trading, it took me about 4 days of work to afford this if you consider taxes and what not?

4 days of work for a highly efficient cell phone I'll have for years? Sounds fair to me.

>Paying more than $50 for a phone

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you are never gonna make it

>how much


About a week, I guess?

I don't work atm, if i was working then it would be 2-4 months without buying food or paying bills.

t. Yuropoor

1189€ here.
Won't buy an iPhone untill it will be notch free.

So it's just a slightly upgraded iPhone X? Why buy? Why does Apple keep pumping out garbage that is barely an improvement from previous iterations?

That's about a week's worth of pay for me (after taxes and 10% going to 401k)

>Motorola phone and thinkpad laptop

Kek by this post I know you are younger then 20

Kek by this post I know you're bad at judging a poster's age. Please expand

My father work in the communication industry so it's kind of free. I grew up with free cellphones, i really can't understand people paying high prices for them.

>In 2018 Phones will cost as much as a high end desktop PC but still without anywhere near the functionality.

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I just make my work pay for it duh

How to short mobile revolution?

How do we short retarded consumers?

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>He buys btc and holds

You short apple.

Government uses Android for a reason

same government who spends 100$ on a roll of toilet paper.

Mfw I was a apple fanboy, said all the shit like.

>It works better
>More reliable
>Better looks
>Better ecosystem

Then after my old iPhone died I bought this cheap Motorola G5 plus new for 150 bucks.

Barely notice any difference...

Apple is now 10 times more expensive then a medicore Android phone. Guess what it's not 10 times better... So why pay for it?

Relating to OP I have to work 3 weeks to pay for it (Eurofag).

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I got a samsung j3 for $100 dollar and can do mostly anything you can too.

Three days before tax. Five days net.

I would buy it with a nonthly income of min. 15k

Protip - NPCs don't think like that

They literally go and get this piece of Chinese made shit and spread payments + interest over like 5 years and think that they are only paying $80 per month for a circuit board with a touchscreen slapped ontop of it, then its fine.

did they change anything from last years?

and you guys should all be rich thanks to crypto by now. isnt 4 bull runs over 10 years enough for you to notice?

Says the faggot who is defending a $2000 snapchat machine

+everyone who buys such a overpriced phone with a monthly income under 10k only proves how stupid he is because he spends his money he should invest in a high end mini computer to phone and surf with a browser. Gz on this

Pretty sure they need 6 over 15.

12.3 workdays after taxes for me (Germany).

However, a Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 for about 200€ will be my choice around next year, I think. Were happy with the Note 3, which I bought in China during my semester abroad three years ago - it starts to get a little slow from time to time (like half a second to load a messenger), but it still works completely fine and still looks good. And it was just approx. 120€.

No one needs a smartphone for 1k+. Because of my job, I need to have a couple of status symbols, but I tend to settle with good sized clothes and a decent, expensive looking & modern pocket watch (just around 400€, but everyone I met guessed like 4k). And it sticks way better in the head of people than a mobile basically every normie buys in even more expensive installments.

t. Refugee

>not buying a xaomi phone and flashing a custom ROM into it to get rid of the chink malware
Enjoy your overpriced and underperforming phone.

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I am not defending anything retard.

>NPCs think like that
If you are really believe into this this hole NPC shit you are at a point of return and will off yourself at age 26 as a KHV

NPC is just the new "normie". I know normies who financed a WiiU and payed like 50$ more. They used it for like 1 week...

You gotta be fucking kidding me. Who with a net worth sub 5 million and in there right mind would buy this fucking thing for that price? The thing does literally nothing of substance a 3 year old 6S can't do. Nothing. I could understand if this was all there was and you needed it for business or some shit to make money but, fuck man, people working at fucking McDonald's will finance this damn thing and for what? To show off how much of an idiot you are? This is like the ghetto kid wearing $250 Nikes except 10 times worse. I ain't mad at somebody that wants something nice but Jeez man. Fuck this GAY FLAT EARTH

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it was better. But losing 6 years in a row looks a bit questionable now.

So this is why everyone on Jow Forums of legal age voted Trump.