The mad men are actually reporting him to the SEC, hahahaha. Reddit... never change

The mad men are actually reporting him to the SEC, hahahaha. Reddit... never change

Attached: redditLOL.png (875x235, 92K)

Attached: yLYJQk3.png (657x684, 259K)


Attached: 1530428235293.jpg (991x672, 255K)

lol you can't even access bitmex from the US. If you even go to the website once from a US ip your will never be able to register an account with them.

white people are fucking pathetic

this. disgusting snitches lmao.

good luck knocking at the door in seychelles TOPKEK FUCKING BRAINLETS.

>white people
how much do you want to bet the person behind that reddit account is a Jew?

good and report vitalik too

fudding his own coin because he has a short on it

there's no difference dumbass

The OP of that thread is such a faggot. Probably bought the top.

insider trading is illegal in the eu too

> snitches

Youre going down

Yes and all the Eth pumps on all these exchanges were totally organic market growth...

This world police shit is so obnoxious. No one cares about your little commission.

>crypto is valuable because it is unregulated capitalism
>we need authorities to crack down on bad men making my coinfolio shrink

Attached: 1536306747044.jpg (372x351, 15K)

Honestly the US taxpayer should be on the hook to buy my bags at their individual ATH.

>"Who shorted the market". "How did the govt let this happen" "Report them to the regulators"

pathetic cucks ahahhahahahahah. get rekt newfags

1/10 bait

Attached: bait.jpg (1000x1000, 107K)

White people are NPCs

Settle in boys, it'll go a bit lower but mostly sideways for another year or two before the cycle starts anew.

Feeling nervous Arthur?
Rules don't apply when the US is involved. They're going to buttrape your accounts from 100 BTC to nothing

>this wouldn't happen to a white CEO and white CEOs actively get away with it in wall street as is