1. country

1. country
2. what tier are you on this

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upper white but got fat so B or A?


inbetween S and A

severe lack of spanish flavor texts on this list

is that a joke
beta Latino is hot af and I'd cuddle with him daily

Upper white by virtue of being
1. over 6'1
2. not morgan lahaye

I like how white fat neckbeard is on the same tier as average latino and average asian despite them being actually above average latino and above average asian

>b or c

beta black but i look like average Indian

gandy looks the most like me

Im not there

i kinda look like young chico but im a late bloomer so i will probably look like cavill or gandy when im 30

delusional incels

Swap upper latino with el hermano de gandy

also you're amerindian anyways, latino is just used to refer to mestizos

tend edit it to say mestizo instead of latino, Chico is literally latino himself so your image makes no sense if you try to include all latinos into that definition, upper latinos are mostly white anyways

>Chico is literally latino himself so your image makes no sense
How? He's a class above average latinos as a specific individual. There are individual whites rated above upper white too.

because most latinos are white retard

You are a girl right?

Indios are not latino

what's latino then?
sounds like you made that image yourself and are salty because people are calling out how trash it is

Is being attracted to aziz ansari weird?

Not gonna lie, the Gandy trail kind of made me laugh

wherever river phoenix would fall

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Im not op, this is me.
A latino is a latin american who is mostly iberian


why are we supposed to believe that the guys in C are better looking than the guys in D
also im between B and C i guess

around b

Attached: 42-WIhh1wuU.jpg (1231x1091, 365K)

How is Gandy 3 tiers above Chris Hemsworth? What kind of faggotron made this list?

No lmao

americans are usually ignorant, its an act of benevolence to educate them

Attached: sdasdasdadad.png (908x675, 58K)

Latin americans are predominantly iberian, only guats, peruvians, bolivians, ecuadorians and oaxacos are indio

i look like c average asian unironically

Am i an incel? no. But trust me looks didnt really helped me in getting women because surprise surprise they dont really care about that if you dont have the personality to accompany your looks.

>only 36%
La educación peruana señores...


Mestizos tend to be more white than amerindian


So? They're not white

S, upper black

What’s special about these 3 models in particular?

Being mostly european makes them a white subrace, some europeans have asian or mena admixture and they are still comsidered white why should it not be the same with latinos?

At this moment currently I am literally Prime Gandy

>Being mostly european makes them a white subrace
No it doesn't, and they're not mostly european

whites are the numeric majority so by definition they are "most" are you dumb?

Mestizos are not 50/50, they are more on the european side than on the amerindian side

Incel freak you're E