What will they call it when Scotland leaves the UK? Scotleave?

What will they call it when Scotland leaves the UK? Scotleave?

Attached: scotland.png (2000x1200, 10K)

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We don’t want to leave the UK. There is no reason to.

Speak for yourself.


I will fight alongside my scottish brothers of required.

Thank you, brother.

Attached: IMG_20180529_104330.jpg (722x1024, 205K)



can't believe i'm in the land of thick scottish twats
should let them have their own country, they won't last 5 minutes

Seems to be working out for Ireland.

Don't they have all the UK's natural resources?


I would fight for independence of Scotland and Northern Ireland desu. Especially NI.

Go on home, British wankers.

Most of the fresh water. Just wait for the next drought, we'll take their gold reserves in exchange for a tanker.


you're not fighting for anything, virgin

>the only naval bases the British have that can hold their nuclesr submarines are in Scotland
>when Scotland leaves England will be forced to pay them rent till they build new ones or give up their nukes

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)


Scots posting inane bullshit is embarrassing for them, yes.



Englels, you're in a bad situation atm...

Rule Britannia!

Wypinaj pryszczate dupsko brytolu i nasmaruj je sobie wazelina przed mocarna amerykanska pała.

Scots have a lot of myths about themselves and much like the ones about "their" oil the nuclear weapons issue is one of them. If they think they're going to get Polaris missiles (they won't) or that we wouldn't just move to Devonport they're free to fuck off and test it out.

I hope they do for freedoms sake, but what are they going to do then?

>Have the same referendum a million time
>Every time you vote no it doesn't count, better vote again in 10 years
>The one time they vote yes, it will never ever be reconsidered

Truly retarded

We're not getting the missles. We're getting the base where you keep the subs needed for the missles. The one specifically designed to house the subs.

People in glass houses should abolish the electoral college and stop shooting up schools, sweetie.

Why does Scotland want independence anyway? Same language, same church, is it just muh history?

Underestimating your opponent is always a big mistake, my dear.

here is your (You) bootlicker

Yes I'm well aware of the base, there's nothing magical about the Clyde. Trident can already dock at Devonport all it needs is an expansion to house more than two subs at a time and somewhere out of the way to disarm first.

The political system behind the UK is inherently flawed, and regularly leads to Scotland being ignored. Brexit being the case in point, Scotland is about 70% in favour of staying in the EU.

>Trident can already dock at Devonport all it needs is an expansion to house more than two subs at a time and somewhere out of the way to disarm first.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I said. That's probably going to tske a few years, especially when your public finances are shot after Brexit, mate.

Albaleave it when I see it


they will be annexed under the Icelandic crown

Beam Me Up Scotland


“They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!”