
FINALLY edition

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Most boring OP in history edition

This black lass on Sex Clinic is quite tasty.

proper munters


Yanks have ZERO personality or imagination.

haha clogwo g smool penis hheeh tryhard go away please and never show your face please?

freedom is ummmmm
working out and ummm big nigger willes
thats freedom hun x

please go away so i can grift attention off of your legitimate talent ummmmm FREEDOM HELLO


Literal billionaires William Vanderbilt and Henry Ford once held the land speed record

how many passes do you do when you shave? usually i'm a twice over kind of guy, but on special nights it's a thrice over.

Was about to post here but one dutch guy is more than enough for /brit/

Ah yes. Let's see what she's got.

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Twitter genuinely needs aborting

#Abolishthemonarchy is trending on twitter and tbqh I refuse to even look at it, will just get angry that I cant argue with thousands of plebs at once. Just wish it was possible to spin the collective jaw of twitter

take your meds Roh'rakwasere

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Always twice or thrice man

sweet taste of freedom

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nu your real dutch im just african invader of honarary evropian lands

Species: Schizo
Natural habitat : on the ropes
States found in: complete delusion

Do you ever feel lime Suiciders are based like god said
>lol, you are stuck on this planet as you
And they were like fuck off, I'll kill my organs


based fuck scotland

treason is genuinely a crime
report these people to the police for illegal activities

On this day in British history

>383 – Death of Magnus Maximus (Macsen Wledig), Emperor of Britain and Gaul
>1189 – Third Crusade: The Crusaders begin the Siege of Acre under Guy of Lusignan and Richard I of England.
>1609 – Henry Hudson discovers Delaware Bay.
>1640 – Second Bishop's War: King Charles I's English army loses to a Scottish Covenanter force at the Battle of Newburn.
>1648 – The Siege of Colchester ends when Royalists Forces surrender to the Parliamentary Forces after eleven weeks, during the Second English Civil War.
>1810 – Battle of Grand Port: The French accept the surrender of a British Navy fleet.
>1833 – King William IV gives Royal Assent to the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, although slavery remained legal in the possessions of the East India Company until the passage of the Indian Slavery Act, 1843.
>1879 – Cetshwayo, last king of the Zulus, is captured by the British.
>1914 – World War I: The Royal Navy defeats the German fleet in the Battle of Heligoland Bight. This was the first major naval battle of the First World War, the Germans lost four ships and 1,000 sailors whilst British casualties numbered only 33.
>1940 – World War II: The first major air raid on Liverpool takes place, around 4,000 people would be killed in the area by the end of the war.
>1994 – Thousands of shops throughout England and Wales open legally for the first time on a Sunday, following a change in the Sunday trading laws.

Night lads
Night Boris
Night The Queen

Looking at a black mans arse crack on channel 4

Natural Habitat is you being beneath me you fucking insufferable little retard shut the FUCK up


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Right is cute, love her hair

Are they twins?

tare down the monarchy

and also better if you shift me because i made myself a fool today because maleponte was angry at me because he said i was f5-ing the thread when mediocre girls were posted

facebook SO boring


Believe in Britain

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Night Lad

tear down the monarchy

– Thousands of shops throughout England and Wales open legally for the first time on a Sunday, following a change in the Sunday trading laws.


>shops didn't open on sundays til 1994

That's a mad ting

It's interesting seeing a load of screeching imbeciles livid that Queen has been dragged into a shitfest political situation and done the only thing she possibly can do, in order to prevent a constitutional crisis, and yet they think she's wrong for not interfering with that and so should be abolished. Morons.

this prorogation is a whole load of nothing

>offered to go to a new department at work
>extra £100 a month
>Have to leave the department I've been on for 2 years and made tons of friends

What should I do lads? There's pretty much no prospect of me moving up in this current department but im so comfortable and have a good team around me

where's the "This post violates United Kingdom law." option in the report function?

You've had quite enough Gerry put the bottle away and go to bed.

Gay, if there are more troubles on account of a hard border brexit i will volunteer to blast left-wing irish retards no problem

even then some luddites protested it

Leave obv

>Yanks have ZERO personality or imagination.

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What would this lot do exactly? Unless there's some sort of vote to abolish them, or the monarchy themselves "stand down", they can't do anything.

That's what I was thinking but muh friends

In work i guess you have to look after number 1 right?



martial law in britain soon lads
going to be top kino

Thanks for the show lads, can't wait october. Even more exciting than my first proto gf rendez-vous

Lads which number is bigger?

A) 52
B) 48


this is what happens when a whole generation of people are raised on superhero films, they think everything is a fight for the good of mankind and everything is a simple right/wrong choice.

Can't wait for Anthony Martial to be made PM

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Wait so how likely is a hard brexit on Halloween??

Eventually they'll all move on and then what?

you never left canada man so it's a bit unlikely. you've got no passport either

From one biofactory.

Payday on the morn. Number will become a bigger number WAHEYYYYY

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business idea: only do reposts of old /brit/ posts from the archives and see how long it takes for someone to recognise one of their posts

Post Brexit pepes

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Let’s all just ake a moment to reflect on the fact that all women are whores

I’ve left Canada several times you fucking retarded mong.
So you apply for a passport.

Get off my nuts beta.

Reminder to be nice to James as his bird dumped him today for being a boring emoji spamming drip


True if they were friends we'd find a way to still meet up and speak cheers la

'tis treason then

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Sounds good. Cant be arsed


ngl feel like watching V for Vendetta right now, that film was kino (from what I remember)

No worries lad, enjoy your extra 1.2k a year.

God bless.

Get off his nuts

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Pls respond

leftypol has lost the plot

every adaption of Alan Moore's graphic novels have been dogshit

Its cringe actually

Why are people scared of Brexit?

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You arrive in the British Isles, 2027

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Anybody else seeing this foul looking freak bender on channel 4??

hope you do so you get battered and scamper off like the pup you are

girl on left is alright
girl on right is ugly

sorry mate I apologize then

Can't wait to storm Buckingham palace, the French revolution was kino so this should be too

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James what are you like.

Not taking it well at all.

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these two are so fake, they look like mannequins

Yes hes fucking GRIM
Hope he has aids

I have been doing this irregularly for months, in fact today I have done it about 5 times, not once has anyone recognised their posts

reported this tweet for promoting violence, hope he gets banned

>The British Royal family have shown their true colours, betraying the nation by supporting the illegal far right coup of the hardline Boris Johnson Government backed by 'Brexit aristocrats' like Jacob Rees-Mogg. Queen needs to abdicate NOW or be forced out

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>tfw UK will be plunged into civil war

are you possibly compensating!?!?

pet nigger just said he thinks brexit is racist

Lol paddy you faggot fucking wigger AIDS case
Unnecessary just shut up you’re fucking annoying as shit

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Good point now I think about it.