
Fat seal edition

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Certainly do care very much for the opinions of actors on political issues.


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haha he jokes about suicide what a champ

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The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie
The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana Live, MTV Unplugged

I-I-I’m wounded :0

honestly stop being alive you fucking fucks

Midge Ure

Just cheer up you boring bastards

The Man Who Sold The World - Midge Ure

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The women keeps dinging my phone with messages lads. I know shes got a bit of a soft spot for me, afterall she is a Capricorn.

if you want to watch over the top conspiracy theorists for insane humour, Rachel Maddow is better than Alex Jones these days

Feel like I've got to do something, something big and bold, rather than just rot away.

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my poo is smelling significantly less
if this continues i will be killed by italians for having shit which doesn't stink

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your life wont get any worse. end it

Hitler’s maternal grandmother was jewish. Under jewish law that makes Hitler a jew. This is a fact normies know.

shall look it up in the immediate

das rite das rite

Ure a midge fuck off

do manlets really do this

Imagine being born lol

diggin the vibe lads

no the opposite
dob' fucking tell your therapist you wan to neck they're legally obligated to put you in a crazy room
the internet and especially 4channel and porn over stimulates your brain so you'rein flight or fight mode so have to actually do nothing and away from here for a bit

does anyone have the screencap of Tim's tweet where it sounds like he's sexually attracted to his teddies?

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no she wasn’t the whole Hitler Jewish thing is because he has an e1b1b y-chromosomal haplogroup which is slightly more common among Jewish than other European populations

You know what's mad? How much energy you have in youth. Genuinely baffling to see as a relative of mine is 15 now and has that youthful energy and is just getting into stuff he likes and I feel like a right old cunt

Wonder what the future holds
Me lifes going to change drastically very soon lads


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especially you

Jews, Berbers and Somalis
He's semitic i.e. Jewish

doctor approved your sex change?

dunno I was a shutin at fifteen and inactive in every way just played video games and sat around on messengers

And the European Neolithic farmer population it’s less common but it’s still native and I believe has high rates in the Alps, Austria

"I wouldn't have supported Hitler"

"I'm a Brexiter"

B follows A as sure as night follows day.

These aren't two distinct acts. Look around the world. India/ Pakistan, Israel/ Palestine, China/ Hong Kong.
Britain killed between 30 & 50 million Indians & countless Africans. They committed genocide across the globe and enslaved millions of people while looting their countries. Yet many people see the British Empire as "the golden age".

What I remember most about being a teenager was being tired all the time

ya me too from shagging yer mam so much!
*pulls your trousers down round your ankles then pushes you over and high 5's smiffster gaz and deano*

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all of those places are significantly better off for the british having gone there

oh you

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i used to come back from school and nap till diner time

Gone fishing

I'm not following this very closely but are people genuinely comparing this with Nazi Germany?
Simply bizarre

Yes dear liberal remainers, Britain is a dictatorship, a dictatorship of finance capitalists, the exploiters, to be precise.

But guess what? The EU is a financial Cartel of 28 such dictatorships, and that's precisely why we want it broken apart.

stop posting this crap

think it's time for a proper culling of sheeple. getting quite annoying now.

Lmao I remember doing cringy stuff as a teen, and shagging. I was never tired. But then 18 I got a bit depressed and that

>and that
you dont need to try and minimize your suffering here to try and appear "cooler" to us

anyone who thinks brexit is somehow going to break the backs of the global financial elite is an idiot

gookmoot spilled sake on the servers again

leftypol thinks it's kristallnacht part two

>stop posting this crap

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ah yes i'm sure the highly white supremacist and racist British soldiers of the 1940s laid down their lives to oppose white supremacy and racism, thank you *squints* Mo Ansar, for this observation on our past...

Nah, maybe felt a pang of depression at 18 for maybe a few months after some shit but then when I was 20 like a month before my 21st birthday is when the real deeeeepression hit and I've never been as happy since


profound post

>far right
lmao these dickwads think wanting tax breaks makes you far-right.

I’m e1b1b and my paternal line is from Scotland
Am I a pict??

a significantly fractured Europe would cause the NATO imperialists to suffer greatly. it would divide the neoliberal establishments which currently act in concert with one another. one they are divided, we can topple them one by one
brexit is a first step in this direction

How come Boris Johnson is moving things along so quickly?
Did Theresa May do anything?

dumbest thing ive ever read

ok liberal imperialist

Wanting positive experience is a negative experience; accepting negative experience is a positive experience.

It’s what the philosopher Alan Watts used to refer as “backwards law”- the idea that the more you pursue feeling better all the time, the less satisfied you become, as pursuing something only reinforces the idea that you lack it in the first place.

The more you desperately want to be rich, the more poor and unworthy you feel, regardless of how much money you make.

The more you desperately want to feel sexy and desired, the uglier you come to see yourself, regardless of your physical appearance.

The more you desperately want to be happy and loved, the lonelier and more afraid you become, regardless of those who surround you.

The more you want to be spiritually enlightened, the more self centered and shallow you become in trying to get there.

>Did Theresa May do anything?


/brit/ is a pictish general
Gaels and Romans FUCK OFF

sounds largely like bullshit

just lost a twenty dollar bill out my wallet

>mo ansar
>our forefathers


why not
sounds a bit silly

Trannies and incels are two sides of the same coin when it comes to being fetishistic, woman-hating freaks

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Yep. People have such a skewed understanding of Nazi Germany that they feel comparisons to modern right-wing politicians is fair and appropriate.

>Not strong enough. Think about what is being said here. Mr Lammy is saying he was actually being too soft when he said Jacob Rees-Mogg and Co were like the Nazis. He is saying they are worse than the Nazis. These Conservative MPs who are favourable towards Brexit and critical of the EU are worse than the dictators who vaporised six million Jews and spread war, terror and fascist authoritarianism across Europe

You all ought to end your own lives

Trannies are the antidote to women
They have my support

this but non-picts

Strange mindsets people wrap themselves up in

If you can convince me to end my own life with words than you shouldn't be punished for it

>vaporised six million Jews

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Let's be honest: you'll only suffer more

>Suffering is bad

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Japan sucks lads

There's no end game to it

ah, no good
whys that

almost home
gf has a chicken parm waiting for me haha
(There’s two lies in this statement)

There's no end game to anything

can you believe the nerve of this guy?

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there are*

rank incompetence

Yeah to learn a lesson

Exactly. Only way to preserve a bit of dignity is to end it yourself

not in american dude

Turkey is one of those shithole countries that I simply don’t understand how proud the native populace are to be called Turkish. It’s a dump. Serbia and Albania are other examples of shithole countries with a cancerous ultranationalistic populace.

what the fuck was the last avengers about then

I think one reason is that they've convinced themselves the only way to be noticed and their views acknowledged is if they resort to using absurd and sensationalist language where everyone they disagree with is essentially an extremest.

Prefer "parmy" myself

>Serbia and Albania are other examples of shithole countries with a cancerous ultranationalistic populace.

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What’s untrue about that statement?

lorny (horny and lonely) lads
