Wow, what the fuck Peru?

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Mesoamerican were and still are subhumans. Spain should have wiped out the savages instead of breeding with them.


i suppose it was a good harvest in that year


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Happens all the time. A lot of amazonian tribes still do this. They often burry children alive.

I don't see how Costa Rica's any better

Why do you do this? Aren't you ashamed of your ignorance?

overpopulation is humanity's greatest threat

south americans are disgusting yet peruvians manage to be even more revolting
kill 'em all

They were gonna grow up to be Jow Forumscels. Good job ancestors.

Peru will do its best


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it's like sparta. injuns bury kids who are born with deffects such as down syndrome and when twins are born one of them eats dirt. from the womb to the tomb

Spain's fault

More like metalamericanscus that shit is hardcore

American Education.

You faggots try to sail for 5 months straight without a hint of pussy in sight and finally making it to land filled with 140cm women.

that was a culture that existed before the inca empire, there are very few documented inca sacrifices which indicates they were socially evolving
inb4 el peruano

If anything, americans are proud of their ignorance

>t. el peruano

This, Chimú culture was way more bloodier than any other indigenous tribe regarding human sacrifices, all in name of preventing the new climatological patterns due to the Niño phenomena.

more like downgrading

the pursue of happiness offering the world greatest tribute to the gods: life, is not shameful; shameful is to abandon the practice for cowardice especially while replacing it with: nothing / just another meme tribute in another meme religion

