Chainlink just confirmed they wont be attending at Sibos 2018
Chainlink just confirmed they wont be attending at Sibos 2018
Swift gives a rats ass about Sergey
He already presented the last 2 years, on his first visit they gave him 100k, on the second one he showed Bond payments and swift oracle stuff, what else you want?
he already has them in his pocket. THEY are dependent on him now.
He's sending Rory instead as a power move.
He gonna present to the third world the SC™ solution.
Dayum ! We gon' get all kindz of gainz !
What the fuck ? Why they are FUDing themselves ?
Or else his .65B tokens will go down the drain..
Req 2.0 here we come !
i want to punch Rory's fat face. very punchable. he also has a faggoty name.
Rory's presentation is a single slide
>please consult the pivotal tracker
chainlink is shit nobody cares about
this. OP BTFO
You sir are a biggot and a racist. I hodl my wife's whatever it is by the hand and it smiles back at me. Can you do the same ?
t. Rrrrrrorrrrrry
Sad. Sergey is literally visiting middle schools to talk about Chainlink because no one gives a shit about it.
joke is on u user
t. Rory's black son
Rory based and checked.
He's going to be discussing smartcontracts, meanwhile on the other side of the flat globe, Swift will be announcing that they're using smartcontracts.
The invitation reached the right Link group this time
When is this coin going to go back up to 50 cents? I just want out at this point.
Anyone with a brain knows it’s bullish for link to be elsewhere this year
Imagine being so comfy that you don’t need to be at SIBOS again
b-b-but 1000 eoy???
Never, sell before $0.01
comfy as FUCK
well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every few years the crypto market actually completly changes.
I was reading an article about how smart contracts can actually advance this process into only taking a few months because decentralised oracles - Vitalik, can you get that article up?
yeah but it's because decentralised oracles can actually convince institutional investors to pour their money faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah Agustin Carstens must be like what? 600 pounds?
jesus he will tear crypto to shreds
fucking kek'd
Why would CL need to be there this year? They have already presented twice. Swift is already locked in. It will be interesting to track swifts general presentation. Unlikely they will shill link much as link is only meant to be part of a larger product.
checked and keked