Aryan men, pls come to Portugal and impregnate our moor whores, this country need to be bleached to become 1º world

Aryan men, pls come to Portugal and impregnate our moor whores, this country need to be bleached to become 1º world

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Doesnt look white enough for me

I would rather have a pure white american girl

Yeahno shit, she and every single Portuguese women need to be Aryaned so we can make Portugal great for the first time

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He said ‘impregnate’ not ‘settle down’ you dumb fuck faggot

Pls unbrown Portugal

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Americans can't talk with their own countrymen lmao

k I'm on my way bro just wait


How much are you offering?
I’m not doing it for free

I said aryan men, not brown sudacas

We tryed this strategy papa, it never worked.

Reading comprehension skills: USA

Why don't our women look like this since we're their clay?

She actually looks like my sister. I'm not even memeing.... It might even be her

Do they like white guys?

Do they like snowniggers

I dated a portuguese girl once
I can confirm it was the best year of my life

lol cucks

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Pure white American girls doesnt exist except native American women.

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How typical is that phenotype in Portugal?

Shes native siberian retard

>tfw no indian (the cool kind) gf

Just get a sami gf, no diff

Except 95% of samis are larping f*nns. Give indian gf.

No - this is real native American . So called "Americans" are just immigrants from Europe and Africa.

Posso convidar a Maria para uma suruba, Manoel? Prometo que ela volta em uma semana.

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America is a european construct

On my way

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literally everyone lol

You have to go back immigrant shitskin

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west med, depends.
The majority is atlanto med

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Perfect, I always know that.

Me too.

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Pics of your sister

Eu disse Arianos, não macacos com zika

I am going to bleach some shitskins.

WTF I thought Portugal was white

They are just tanned you dumb nigger


please come enrich our women white bulls

Who's a good boy

She has a thicc necc

Does not compute.

Shouldn't you be saying she's a shitskin and should be killed like a good Jow Forumsboy?

Looks like a pajeeta
Are you sure her father is not just from Lisbon?

White people don't tan. They just burn.

Please fuck our women

I'll go over there and make Portugal even more brown


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Monkey mentality. Nevermind.

No Pajeet, you are not European

>implying that woman actually looks European

>*autistic moor screeching*
It's ok, Allah will give you white skin some day, just keep praying.


OP's pic is not typical then, even rather exotic

For Italy and Portugal to be white, you'd have to make space for white couples while moving to another area for a few generations, cause there's no way simply fucking a white person is gonna wash the goblino features away. You'll create a lighter goblin like this woman on the right

ok, give some recommendations, post some instagrams

Don't be such a cuck

hmmm,maybe I will, next year. This year, Italian Women

My sides, India with its mutant program is going to be a super power soon

They do look like Nothern Indians-Iranians, Manuel.
I think that you talking about Norses/Teutonics, desu.

You shouldn't get a word on this topic tho

what do you define as aryan?

anyone with blond hair and blue/green eyes?

She would unironically pass as a honorary Mizrahi

alright I'm on my way

I'll do you one up and even bring some Finnish qt's so you can join in on the whitening program.
Why do Mediterranean women make me so fucking hard? Why did I have to be born up here? WHY?

jewish woman and portuguese woman look very alike on average

just say Jew, Ashkenazis are not Jews anyway

>Why do Mediterranean women make me so fucking hard?
opposites attract. every blond pale guy i know has a fetish for med women

thats not its called

You want Iranians and Afghans in Portugal ? Because the scientific definition of Aryan is and always has been Iranians (even during Nazi time)

>dark brown hair
>dark eyebrows
>brown/green eyes
I know what you mean. You have no idea how much I suffered in high school.

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>this woman is considered european in swedistan standards

ThisAs a honorary med I tend to like what I don't see everyday.

Don't listen to him. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

>white american
Less people believe it these days

>pure white american

80% of Iran's population have brown eyes and brown hair. But half of their population got white-pale skin. Is that what you want? White pale skin?

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>80% of Iran's population have brown eyes and brown hair.
people are really stupid...

Yeah, imagine being as stupid as you are.

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>99% Iranians naturally have color in T20 — T50 range

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Jesus Christ dios mio he still thinks 20% Iranians have blue eyes and blond hair

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Iranians and South Europeans have T07 to T30

T50 is Mongoloid

What we need is Mexicans, that's what we need.

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1. portugal is very sunny and so having pale skin is a very bad idea.
2. whiteness is not important. intelligence is important.
3. create an olive skinned super intelligent breed of human and use that for procreation purposes in portugal.

Nice falseflag iranian motherfucker

whiter = more intelligent. It's a genetic fact

Mizrahi are part converts too and Jews are not only those two groups.
Common ones:
-Ashkenazi(same as American Jews, they're mostly Ashkenazi)
-Georgian Jews = mountain Jews, probably the khazars.
-Russian Jews
-Ethiopian Jews (confirmed mostly converts via DNA tests)
-rare Jews(Asian/South American)

Southern to Central Italian too.

>so this is how bad things are in Sweden

Actually, how dark is the complexi of Portugal people? Could a Portuguese person show this in a photo of his or her own hand, for example?

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What are you talking about, you false-flagging stormfaggot? You want an Iranian cock in your ass so badly?

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If I could take the time and expense I think I could get two a day. Assuming 100% success rate, that would equate to 28 mixed white and Portuguese babies. I'm down for it. Anyone want to sponsor my adventure? I would post pics and vids.

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based poolanders

Portuguese and most Spaniards are as brown as North Africans.

>Actually, how dark is the complexi of Portugal people?
Around 21:32 you won't be able to see them anymore outside without lights

Refrain from using words that you don't understand, Moortuguese.

pooland can into nazis

I already impregnated them when I was in Europe