Honest thoughts on this man?

Honest thoughts on this man?

Attached: 800px-Jair_Bolsonaro_em_24_de_abril_de_2019_(1).jpg (800x1200, 131K)

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He allowed export of Russian beef to his market so he is based I guess


Free mason, so I can't endorse him

I dislike some of his politics but telling firsties to fuck off has make him gain a lot of points with me.

Based but Bluepilled

I wouldn't even rape him.

He is a nigger, dont really care much about him

Retarded freemason faggot jewish shill professional Trump's cocksucker.

t. ciro gomes

I thought he was insane when I watched Steven Fry interview him 2014,


but now I realize that Jair is, and always has been right about most issues.

I don't think Steven Fry "recruited" his very young husband, in the sort of way that Jair implies gays do in the above clip. Regardless, it really doesn't look good for Fry to have a very young husband if he wants to go around saying that "gays don't target children, that's just a homophobic lie".

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>He says in a board filled with straight nonces

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Cosmos was a comfy show


El Diablo

I like Bolsonaro but his supporters are fucking retarded. Still, Lula is my favorite Brazilian politician.

>Lula is my favorite
U good

Good post

cringe but redpilled

Yet another fierce right-wing nationalist who fights for Israel

not duterte/10 so its shit

Better than any leftist scum. Even if he were 50% worse than he is I'd support him anyway

stewed macaco brains for brains

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best thing that ever happened to brazil

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He's a servant of Satan.

he looks like he wants to steal my soul

Looks like a vampire to me in every single picture.

why are eccentric right-wing leaders always such rampant zionists?

It's like you're almost there, but so far.

Because they’re controlled by Jews

Sold out his country to Israel and US corporations (but he owns the libs so fuck the air)

Unelected moron, I can see why they call him "Brazilian Trump"

rings wing and zionism are the same thing

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for example I don't even need to look up Boris Johnson to know that he has a hard-on for Israel

He's a fucking joke

For that sick burn towards Macron and the G7 goons he will have a special place in my heart from now on.

what about hitler then

>turns down money because they hurt his fefes
I never want to hear that men are less emotional leaders ever again

Could you tell more about Lula?

He's just a Boomer with good intentions that was elected because a huge part of the cunt was fucking tired of PT (le working party) and his main adversary was a leftwing cuck that was taking orders from Lula in his jail cell. I voted for him but it was ironic and i was drunk at the time

Greatest leader ever born

hitler was left wing, literally read the name of his party.

you don't actually consider the 'socialist' in the NSDAP to actually have anything to do with socialism do you

they were communist in their policies. government confiscated private property of it's citizens.
if they were far right they'd be libertarians.

this is a burger tier understanding of political ideologies

The term 'privatisation' was literally coined to describe hitlers mass selling off of state assets.
He banned trade unions, purged everyone left wing from the party and imprisoned their leaders, read a book.

Can support his reform posture

Based and redpilled.

You can't be serious

Based af, but just like Trump...will bend over backwards for the jew.

El diablo del sur

yes but he also took ceased the private property if citizens for the government.
maybe that goverment wasnt full blown communism but they were definitely far left.

So what? The Bolshevik Revolution was funded by Western bankers. Stalin's heavy industry was built by American multinationals. The USSR allowed the existence of a black market informal capitalist economy to reduce the burdens of a state-run economy. All remaining Communist regimes opened their economies. Cuba even privatized its water distribution system. You speak as if complete economic statization was a consensus among the socialist schools of thought.

How does any of that support the statement "nazis were communist"

everything you said is innacurate

what the fuck dude

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Funni and angri boomer :D


No one said that


El Bolsonegro...