So we all agree this is 100% true?

So we all agree this is 100% true?

Attached: 1566911913906.png (2550x1782, 715K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the US one is completely wrong, no

I have had the exact opposite experience with Canadian players. Sweden should be the solo highest tier.

why is it wrong?

I don't play online.

i know it is correct because it has finland first in the highest tier

>They speak english but refuse to use it
Kek, based


can't go 5 minutes in an NA server on overwatch without 'gg' after they die once

the US is way too high up
Koreans are terrible
this whole list is BS XDDDDD


We dont care about it. Korea can have.

MOBA-tier tier list

Why should speaking english be a positive trait ? Fucking retard. I use english because it's useful to speak with people who don't speak French, but it's a sacrifice I make for given purposes. Never forget that, speaking english is a favour we do you cunts. The only places where english should be mandatory is english-speaking countries.

Also "american" and "perfect english", are you fucking kidding me ? Hahahaha


try telling your countrymen that

Only netouyos care about those rocks though.
Koreans regard those rocks as their national symbol on the other hand.

I only like playing with other nordicks (except for other Swedes). The rest are irrelevant to me.

I honestly don't care enough about other players nationalities to confirm this but as far as germany goes it's 100% correct

They are really buthurt aren't they. Saw this yesterday:

i'm not surprised if you've got another nation contesting your property for 60+ years

Me in vidya:
>incredibly un skilled
>do not talk

Also may I ask:
Why sweden get 1 + for "perfect English" and we get 2++ for "Good English"

The team decided so that they would avoid any trouble or not to offend Koreans feelings as they are very sensitive.
Some nationalists are pissed at this decision saying smth like there is no point in playing for an international comepetition if the players can't put the national flag on their uniforms.
I think it's totally retarded, and those high shcool players really don't give a fuck about anything other than them playing well.

Yeah I'm rooting for them!

Stfu zainichi

Get the fuck out of Japan you fucking filthy rat


>Ukraine good looking women
This is a funny joke

We were on the last list, where are we now?

>Poor Teamwork
Can confirm

Here comes a Netouyo.

This is just the objective truth :^)))

>Bad English
>Stay AFK almost all the time and chatting "hilarious" trolling
>Go eating or shitting or scrolling Jow Forums during the playtime

Then kiddies come to my steam profile and post insultings.

Use proxy flag
Why do you use our flag? fuck off and die
Why are you living here yet? Go get the fuck out of here fucking gook.

I was kinda sarcastically mocking Koreans in my post saying "THEY ARE SENSITIVE" like a little psychotic bitch, but somehow that made you think I'm Korean?
Well I don't think you have a brain to understand sarcasm though.
Sorry my ancestors are all from this land, so I'm not planning on moving anywhere now.

>10 year olds screaming I FUCKED YOUR MOM NIGGER NIGGER wait mom don't turn it off I'm sor-
also the few venezuelans who can afford online gaming are based, and germans and spaniards are fucking useless

Who is the fuck care about you.
We do not need you, we do not like you.
Why are you the fuck sick dorks keep staying where you do not like? Leave

made an improved version

Attached: dwdwdw.png (2550x1782, 624K)

I thought that the Japanese and Slavs were really good at video games, so what kind of games are you talking about?

Germans and poles are some of the worst players I've played with in every competitive online game that I've tried.

First of all, I'm Japanese, so who the hell are you to tell me to leave my country?
Also Where did i say that I don't like this country?
I don't say love my country because it's stupid to say so, but I have some emotional attachment to where I was born.
I like visiting historical sites like castle remains, reading classical literature, and I bet I probably know so much more about this country than you'll ever be as you seem really uneducated.
I just fucking hate any kinda nationalists, whether they are Korean, Japanese or whatever.

wondering this as well tbhwyf


We are fine when it's just one of us on a server/in a game. The moment a Finn spots another Finn it all turns into a memefest dumpster fire. That's why I never speak Finnish online.

Oh it already turned to a shitflinging match between Japanes flags.

Gotta love 'em

Attached: 8d4.png (1199x1024, 264K)

Which country is which?

Attached: Av0V2.jpg (600x863, 128K)

It's pretty fun to fuck with that Netouyo guy desu.

You can dream whatever you like but this is a reality

Attached: kek (2).png (876x828, 59K)

keep telling to yourself netopayo.
No one gives a fuck about your shitty life and opinion.

>Why yes I don't play video games because I'm not a little child. How did you know?

Attached: 1562390404742.jpg (500x500, 28K)

all me in a single game

Yep, I'm so envious of your glorious life of talking shit of Koreans all day on Jow Forums everyday.
I'm so proud of you my fellow country man.
Keep the good work of cleansing 4hcan, and eliminate Kimchi scums pls.

>Yep, I'm so envious of your glorious life of talking shit of Koreans all day on Jow Forums everyday.

It is you.

this is completely accurate except most spanish players i have played with are dogshit

polish players also have no teamwork skills

but what do you do all this time inside your room then?

You started it. ITT it is obvious you are the one obsssessed about it and it is off topic in this thread.

That's not me though.
Korea can have?
He meant "Korea can have it" right?
I don't write like a retard desu.

i don't even know how that applies to games

shitpost on Jow Forums, drink beer/vodka with a friend or girls

fair enough

Attached: chkg.jpg (808x614, 71K)

>has own flag



You can not prove that you posted that or not anyways.
The bottom line is why do you need to leech where you do not like to live?
Go anwhere outside Japan you sick fuck liberal glovalist. We do not need you.

Alright fucking stop it already

I was just mentioning that We are not some retards who get super butthurt over some small rocks just because there is a dispute over them,
not like some retards who symbolize those rocks as their national identity.
However, my fellow country men in this thread are proving otherwise here, so I must say I was wrong.

You really don't listen to what others say.
Where did I say I hate this country?
Also, I pay my tax so that you can live off with your disability pension, so you should be grateful to my contribution to this country desu.

I think so too.there is no reason we should care about.

Then say the same thing where you moved.
I know you can't.
You are such a coward.
You are spoilt man who could ony say such thing online or in Japan, because you do not fear your life actually threatened when you spoke like that in Japan. Go russia and say the same thing, you would get beaten in the street or you were already dead in China.

Paying tax does not mean you love the country, asshole. How childish you netopayos are.

Paying tax to nationalist country? Japan is a national you retard.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>I think so too.there is no reason we should care about.
Tell it to Korea too. They have it on their uniform.

ばかはおめーだよ テメーみたいなの日本にいらんからさっさとでてけよ


am smart


I like visiting historical sites like castle remains, reading classical literature, and I bet I probably know so much more about this country than you'll ever be as you seem really uneducated.
I just fucking hate any kinda nationalists, whether they are Korean, Japanese or whatever.

お前馬鹿か 古典文学も城はナショナリズムから発揚してるのに ナショナリリストがきらいとか いい加減死ね。


Wow, I didn't know Murasaki Shikbu was a nationalist.
I didn't know Seisho Nagon was a netouyo kek
So Sengoku daimyos were killing each other to prove who was the biggest nationalist?????
Toppest kek

お前が払えるわけねーだろ 糞ゴミがよ

fuck off the Finnish accent in english is like listening to someone with fuckin marshmallows in their mouth


In terms of point who is the ruler of Japan, yes it is obvious.
They are nationalist in broad way Get educated retard

おまえ頭悪すぎ 死ね

はいでました 頭の弱いネトパヨ特有の自己防衛


I don't get either myself. Speaking english shouldn't be the lynchpin to being good at an online game (case example: me). There are entire communities that can communicate in their native tongue with 0 issues whatsoever.

I find it ironic that the poster is a burgerflag too which completely undermines the entire list almost.


日本の風景美や四季の自然を観察 日本人の生活 全て日本の風物詩だ。 ナショナリストそのものだわ 死ね



ching chong

日本そのものを愛してやまないネトパヨって ありかよwww


なざならお前らパヨパヨチーンの頭は戦争=ナショナリズムしかないからな。 ばーかとっとと死ね

>implying Japan has been a nation state all along

Attached: 1566740561109.jpg (249x249, 17K)




Attached: netouyo.png (675x420, 69K)

Seisho Nagon talked about kuso chon, and how proud she was as a Yamato person in Makura no Soshi as she was a nationalist. kek

で、 満足した? www

itt the Japs pretty much confirmed the >no concept of game mechanics as no concept of this threads purpose


他みてみたら? 他で頑張れよ