Ur cunt

>ur cunt
>have you left plato's cave yet?

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I'm comfy where I am

Staring at shadows on the wall?

Who's to say they are only shadows, they feel real to me.

I'm somewhere in between those two states desu. I wish I were a better Christian.

Only because you've never tasted true freedom

What if "true freedom" is yet another projection? If you are comfy where you are, why not embrace it?

these chains are pretty heavy user

Yes, and now I've returned to teach you all

this interpretation is kind of sad with how diminished it is compared to the original intent

>sex is BAAAD
>inceldom is GOOOD

yeah right more pussy for me

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it's more like changing the cave

> Implying religion and chastity isn't the cave
> Leaves more pussy and dick for the rest of us

Stay in there mate, we're all happy without you

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Obviously not since we're still posting here

i left a cave between your mums legs lmao xDDD

Once you taste true freedom, all else will be like shadows on a wall

i mean i bet the guy who saw the first shadow on the wall after living in total darkness thought the same thing

Whats true freedom to you?

All these fuckin posts all about how 'freedom' is the answer and have vague posting bullshit on how we need to 'wake up' never fuckin go anywhere. At least conspiracy theory nuts have some fun with the concept. You're just hoping your "I'm 14 and this is deep" posting gets people thinking, when in reality most people have some concept of their lives, because they were not brought up in a fuckin slop eating hovel.

Do you have a point? Do you have action? Do you ask people to meditate or read something or consider their own conciousness? Are you offering a religion, an idea, a theory?

Either put up or shut up

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have sex

>nofap dudes and chastity sissy dudes are the same person
makes sense

Useless, just like every other post on this fucking site


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Get some parental control software and ask someone you trust to set a password that you don't know

that only works if you need porn to fap