This is both the funniest and most annoying english accent

Attached: 1597-004-7C2918C6.jpg (600x400, 44K)

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Give back Egypt to the Copts, arab colonizer

I think the american accent is more annoying.


and btw french accent is the most homosexual accent in the world

Hello dear*bobbles head*

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thanks for the gypsies

Their culture is alien to ours. They have more common with euros than Indians at this point

I watched this video and there was indian accent out of no where and it made me laugh my ass off (3:47):

I loved that desu. lmaoing at Pajeet speak

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I'm not racist, it's just that every Indian person I've come across has been very annoying and unlikeable. They're also very unreliable for getting group assignments done at uni (since like 40% of my uni is Indian students).

I am racist and every Indian I have met has been fucking annoying and insufferable

He's not an arab lol It's an abeed.

Go back to your country cumskin

Australia usually gets the dullards.... People who don't get into good unis in USA or Europe opt for Australia. So basically you are getting the dumb middle class/rich kids.

Most of your Uni kids are Punjabis dude. Punjabis are dumb as fuck.

I am racist and hate indians with passion.
They smell like shit, are hideous and make everything they touch smell like shit.
Out of the hundreds of indians I interacted with, I probably met 2-3 that I liked because they actually showered and used deodorant and didn't have a horrible accent while thinking they spoke perfect english, like most indians do.

lol i recognise this butthurt nigga he never answers why arabs call his people abeed and just runs away all the time

What the fuck is boruto
Who could be so gay to actually just decide to create this
Is it just as popular as the other gay series naruto?

I think Hungarian accent is more annoying.

I don't know I've never really watched it. I watch Naruto up till the arc and then dropped it. But I watched this video because it had 1.9 million views and I wanted to listen to something while making breakfast. When he did the indian accent it caught me off guard and I laughed my ass off.

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>the abeed still has no answer to being called an abeed
Told you. the slave cuck has to watch Modi get awarded with the highest honour by their crown prince kek

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I dunno Hungarians don't have a super distinct accent for some reason

>be inferior abeed
>larp as a muslim but get butthurt when you get called an abeed
>view Modi and his cow urine drinking retards as literlly Hitler and the nazis
>become suicidal when your meme country's highest award is given to a literal psycopath

Absolutely amazing to know this nigga can't even criticise this move without getting arrested by the police

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Post more pictures of yourself as a baby, slut

this was for that Saudi princess scandal or something wasn't it?
based modi

Beside their accent, I like Indians. I never met one who wasn't chill, there is a bunch of them in my city, they have been working here for more than a decade, I have never seen them acting like subhumans, they always greet and smile to you and usually mind their own business. Good diaspora @India

I couldn't find any videos of Hungarian accent on youtube. what does it sound like?

Not Saudi but from the Emirates. She ran away and hid in international waters and their royalty had to request Modi to get her back. he was awarded just a couple of days ago

Based B E N Z E M A

He' still posting without talking about this lmoa

Attached: pepelaugh.gif (220x220, 92K)

what the fuck you nonce

>be me
>have to see bollywood shit and other indian music for my job
why is indian filmi music so good

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Abid btfo forever till the end of time can't wait for him to start posting pictures of our literal shit to cope like pic related

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wat do u work as

he is a buzzfeed employee
or one of the faggot nu-journalists

Post some good indian music pls

Gotta agree

Classic, wish you could understand!

>buzzfeed employee
my job is categorizing shit, far from >>>>jouinalism