/mena/ او /شأشإ/

/شرق اوسط وشمال افريقيا/
خيط العروبة والاسلام
نسخة خيبر خيبر يا بربر خرخر عرب جرب

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that's not nice.

Why come willingly to a mena thread, pink subhuman?

Left Melilla forever three days ago, you guys are free to annex it now

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العرب جرب

I've spent 23 years of my life in N. Africa, that must count doesn't it?

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"اذا عربت خربت و أينما حل العرب حل الخراب. "
ابن خلدون
قول صحيح و مثبت

هذه المقولة ستبقى سارية المفعول الى غاية نهاية البشرية.

اليهود قرود


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lel the thread and posts itt. eclectic edish

no more brother wars.
we must expand the afro-asiatic lebensraum.

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يا معشر الأعراب هيا عودوا إلى خيامكم وإبلكم واِنكحوا ما لذّ وطاب من جواريكم وغلمانكم واِبتعدوا عن أرضنا وشمسنا وبحرنا فأوطاننا أطهر من أن يدنّسها أمثالكم

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NIGGERS?!?! never.

the first step is reconquering anatolia, and breed out the turkics and discouraage the use of turkic until it dies out.

خرا بول مني

How to get a Mena gf

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i don't like arabs

>look how you dress you look like a kafir
>o-ok youre right I will change it sh-sh-sheik

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any sandnigger wants to be my discord fren?

مين المصري ابن المتناكه اللي كل شويه يتعملنا رينج بان بسببه
لو لقيته هحشر زبي في كسمه

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best president

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The one that kills Muslims


I agree with the arab dog, the afro asiatic race must expand despite me hating ar*bs

تذكير :
هذا الخبط ممنوع على الشواذ الجدد، النو-مينا,المصريين و التونسيين

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You can't stop us


هذا خيط ممنوع عليك يا مصري



to be honest, arabian writing looks not really convenient for reading. Latin alphabet is much easier.
Was learning writing arabian hard thing for you guys?

>art about ancient berbers
>dark skin
Every fucking time

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البربر زنوج يا دياسبوبوبيبي

تنا عنصري اخوا هههه

Al berber zabooj ya diasbobobsa? Speak English please my reading skills are rusty.


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Can you guys speak english?

the hard part is making out the tiny dots but once you get used to it, you read sentences word by word, not letter by letter, like with any language, your brain automatically picks up the words.

it's not difficult to read or write, it's just very cramped and tiny when it's printed out on a computer.

he's saying berbers are blacks, no idea what that last word is though

A small reminder that both Urduni and the UAE flag who wants to be a girl and spams balk are FAGS

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we are black

Urduni btfo by a fucking Yunani

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Check these digits

ههههههه تنا يهودي اخاوا


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are you literally italian?

God I hate Berbers so fucking much, they are pretty much straight-up zionists, and their amount of absolute seething is unreal, just mention the word Arab unity or pan-Arabism and their brain explodes at the thought of Arabs uniting as one country. Literally no different to jews. Genocide when?

>ههههههه تنا يهودي اخاوا
hakim ziyech

cope ar*pe

Could it be because pan-arabism is retarded?

We aren't zionist and Jews are your cousins.
Arabs are literally no different to jews

قريبا قريبا ...

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this desu, I love spaniards so much, my fiancee is spanish and I love spain so much, btw how much does it cost a house in murcia? I love spain, thanjk you for btfoing morrocoons.


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>this desu, I love spaniards so much, my fiancee is spanish and I love spain so much, btw how much does it cost a house in murcia? I love spain, thanjk you for btfoing morrocoons.
sorry if englidh is nst oggod i am from tunisaisa

interesting thread

welcome to /mena/, how may I help you?

show him the way we make black tea

Constantly saying that x is not Arab is cringe as fuck
Okay we get it you are arabized and not actually from Arabia, We fucking get it you Nafri scum

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>Constantly saying that x is not Arab is cringe as fuck
Okay we get it you are arabized and not actually from Arabia, We fucking get it you Nafri scum

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middleeasterens should rule the arabian nation if it happened desu

Reasons why diaspora are unironically better:

1) They are open to other cultures and ways of life

2) Their IQs on average, are higher than their compatriots back home

3) Diaspora are usually more successful as they have more opportunities

4) Diaspora make more money than those back home

5) Diaspora are similar to the romans in that they adhere to the will of their new homes all while being citizens.

except for jordanians and gulfies excluding yamen
jordan sucks

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Murcia's a weird choice but hey you do you, houses in the outskirts are relatively cheap (60k~80k)

you are jewish

خرا بول مني

I want to live close to the med, why is murcia a weird choice btw? Is it because of their foot fetish thing?


>spaniard is like "let me teach you about your country"

Arab unity makes infinitely more sense than spanish unity.

>Aussie flag

I am in exile until Ba'athists are restored to power.

Fuck no it doesn't. I would literally die for spain, spanish babies must be kept protected at all costs. Fuck, I love spain so fucking much.

Eat shit ar*pe, I won't let you speak ill of spain.

this, berbers are white

berbers are dark skinned tho lol

Please ignore the subhuman, friend. Tell me, what brought you

Amo y respeto a tu país, incluso intimido a los mexicanos en ocasiones. Me gusta decirle a la gente aquí que soy de España, y todos los mexicanos se enojan mucho jajaja.


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t. myopic subhuman/mane who doesn't wear glasses to spite my own genetics

ديليت رييييييي

0-5 shave legs and ass
6-9 stay on computer for anoher five hours

ماذا فعلت اليوم من اجل التفوق العرقي العربي يا انون؟

time to ruin the bathtub I guess


lmao Spain is just like the rest of southern european countries, have you ever been here?

I don't see a moroccan flag often here, but when one shows up it's always a sick fuck like you

No, its different. I have been there btw. Spain is more diverse and serves as a bridge between africa and europe, and as such an afro-european culture emerged. Spain has a rich and beautiful history.

i understand ass but why hair? i'm getting mixed signals

لقد استمنيت لصورة لولي والحمد لله

وأخرج عبد الرزاق الصنعاتي في المصنف الروايات التالية
عن ابن جريج عن عطاء قال : قلتُ له : الرجل يشتري الأمَة أينظر إلى ساقيها وقد حاضت أو إلى بطنها ؟ قال : نعم ، قال عطاء : كان ابن عمر يضع يده بين ثدييها وينظر إلى بطنها وينظر إلى ساقيها أو يأمر به

ما شاء الله


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بيسد جدا

الشذوذ حرام و العياذ بالله - ابو بكر الصديق

sandniggers fuck off

why do incels have a problem with ex-incels taking comfort in their identity? is it insecurity and self-loathing?

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