Does Jow Forums read literature?

does Jow Forums read literature?

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reading thomas hobbes lately.

>You also read fiction? What are you a retard or a woman??

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quine's methods of logic currently

Used to.

yes for studies
had to read like 30 classic books these holidays including 3 in english and 1 in spanish
tired as fuck of it too i don't like it i just want my degree and some fucking money

burns you out huh

Real life is filled with magic and fantasy a lot more than fictional stories are

I like poetry, history books and non fictional books

yep it's interesting at first reading proper books and some are beautiful but after 300 pages of aristotle goong on about abstract bullshit i just need to say stop

so you're a philosophy student, too?
and yeah, aristotle's way of writing is incredibly tiring to read

well not really i'm in the french "prep school" equivalent i guess, i have to study litterature, philosophy, history, geography, 2 foreign languages and also latin or greek
but yeah philosophy i actually like when i have to dissert and such but reading it is just so fucking tiring compared to regular books it's incredible
got like 60h/week of work next year lmao

Oh, you're in a gymnasium. I attended one before university, too. Though my was focused on mathematics, and we've only had a single year of philosophy.
What are you going to study?

no, I'm not a faggot.

Well yes here you can choose 3 main ones : litterary, economic or scientific (but you get options). Chose litt since i'm terrible at math.
And i'm not sure yet, we have competition to get into the "grandes écoles" but i doubt i'll succeed. Probably pol sci to get a good job in the administration, or maybe business school if i do marketing or HR. Worst case scenario i can become a teacher but meh it doesn't really appeal to me.
What about you, what can you do after studying philosophy ? I looked into it but having like 90% chances of ending up a teacher kind of turned me off.

>What about you

good luck user

Don't worry. I'll be fine.

You will enter in first or second year in September?
Wil you try an ENS?

I just read for 30 minutes

1st year but i've taken a few years off before coming there though
and yes you try by default afaik, maybe i'll succeed i mean i've surprised myself sometimes, i'm a wanker though, maybe the general level has fallen so low i just end up on top mechanically

too boring, most I can read without boring myself are small excerpts of a textbook/long wikipedia article.

i was like this too but i wanted to become a person who reads, so i forced myself and now it's actually fun

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