
Learn the difference edition

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kys cringy weeb.

>weebshit manchild OP
Bad start of an even worse thread

Rei was literally made to be some sweaty neckbeard's wet dream. What an utterly obnoxious character.


Explains why I like her so much then.

Nice, my favorite park is being cleaned up in preparation of Trump’s visit

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God I wish that were me

Misato > Asuka > shit > Rei

I was here when the latvian nation attacked

/polska/ /antyatok/ didnt answer the call

Such a nice weather today

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Do people really think that people with no inner voice (ie. people who don't subvocalize their thoughts) actually have no thoughts at all? You do know that subvocalization is not necessary for cognitive processes, right?

Yikes, we had 31°C yesterday, I'm bracing myself for the 6 omnths hell incomming desu

>I'm bracing myself for the 6 omnths hell incomming

Imagine how much of an oblivious and detached narcissist you have to be to assume that other people have no thoughts at all.

for most of my life i though everyone had an inner voice
i remember when talking once with a friend of mine when i was in highschool and he said
>...what? what do you mean? i think in pictures
he looked so genuinely confused
im convinced he thinks im an autist to this day

Lose weight you fucking fatass

It's been 30c and sunny all week here
at least it's 38c we had earlier in the summer

Why are weeb subhumans like yourself unable to stop themselves from injecting their shitty "hobby" where it doesn't belong? What does the general dedicated to visegrad group on an international board has to do with a random chinkshit cartoon that you happen to like? You're worse than trannies, kys

stupid newfag

I mostly think in words, but I also think in images sometimes

my job? performance artist

>comfy polski winter incomming
God I wish that were me

Rei is the best and you can't trade with this.

Fuck off weebtrash

Would anyone subvocalize their thoughts if not for exposure to literature and movies?

my inner voice is a very rude australian

Dilate, tranny.
>postuję obrazek z Piłsudskim

>postuję jakiś obrazek anime

zamknij po prostu ryj, następnym razem zapostuję zdjęcie z gejowskiej orgii tylko żeby ci zrobić na złość. Tfu

look he shitted himself

Autumn is nice but Winter fucking sucks, worst season

I love Horo!

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Chuj ci w dupę cwelu

Jow Forums does wonders to people

Absolutely disgusting desu
God I hate h*at so much
No, sweating 24/7 is worst season

It's just memes dude
why do you take it seriously

>neighbor shat out another baby
>crying and wailing all night again

i also think in different languages

Yeah, it's difficult to imagine different "modes" of thought. Personally I can't really even guess how visual thinking deals with more complex or more abstract problems. But I'd never have the audacity to assume that other people don't think at all like many autists on Jow Forums.
>It's just memes dude
It unironically isn't, most of the people on this website have a false sense of superiority that leads to dehumanization (don't laugh at me for using this word) of other groups. It's the same mentality that perceives everyone else as "sheeple" or "drones," except this one rests on various misconceptions about cognition and psychology in general.

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lose weight

>most of the people on this website have a false sense of superiority
Look who’s talking lol


or you are just too autistic to know when people are fucking around
also lose weight

You're the one who's autistic if you don't think that many of the autists here agree with that wholeheartedly.

do you have a single proof to back that claim up?

People with no inner voice have no thoughts. This is a fact.

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is this the place to get recipes? gimme

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Hundreds of posts I've read that unironically explain that meme?
Actually subvocalization is slower than purely conceptual thinking.

gimme eat

>posts on Jow Forums are the proof
yeah ok buddy

Well I was literally talking about mongs on this website, of course normal people don't even give a shit about it.

stupid newfag

I have inner voice and I am retarded

if you take anything written on Jow Forums seriously, then you should get your noggin checked

Thinking with words or sentences helps with your autism. You feel less alone when you hear thoughts in your head. Thinking with imagery is probably more common with people who interact with civilisation a lot more

Because of Trump visit they cleaned off graffiti of the “front” side of the temple, but they left the back side still dirty and covered in paint, fucking polaks

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any niggas playing classic?

Yeah why?

thanks for the information

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they dont, dronelets slaving in the rat race to secure position for the next generation of rats is a joke and youre oblivious if you """think""" they are capable of thinking

I said nothing about the Piłsudski pic, it was someone else. Imagine that there's more than 1 user posting here, retard.
I'm not a tranny, trannies should be kept in concentration camps until their mental illness is cured

oh great, the autists are at it again

And you will pay for it from your taxes

Fuck off, discord tranny. You're not fooling ne.

how nu

>/polska/ discord trannies are raiding /v4/ again
Fuck off you subhumans.

Duh, here we go again. Am I not allowed to talk about something that annoys me without hurr why do u care it's just a website hurr!!!?

Yes, a lot of people think that bullshit is correct and yes, they should stop being so fucking wrong.
I just don't feel the need to subvocalize or visualize unless I'm trying to process something complex. I also don't subvocalize individual words when reading, (unless, again, I'm reading something complex).
Most people don't have the luxury to be neets. They're just trying to make the ends meet and hate the daily grind just as much as everyone else.

This is how it used to look like few weeks ago. Note the gray cloudy sky and overall depressive atmosphere.

We Poles have done a great progress since then as a nation.

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Stop cringeposting, you absolute waste of human flesh.

Why do poorlacks feel the need to disfigure historical buildings with ugly graffiti?

lose weight


lose weight

do you think in other languages?
if so how many of em?

Lack of interest in arts, culture or history caused by bad education and poor upbringing

based sloni

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I usually think in Hungarian, but if I'm thinking about something I've read in another language (for example, I always read about economics in English because there's simply more resources) then I'll think in that language.

I can think comfortably in Hungarian, English, Serbian, Russian and Ukrainian, but sometimes I force myself to think in German because I think shit like that helps you get used to the language and form sentences more quickly. But most of the time I don't subvocalize at all.

You dont think at all then. haha
I knew you were a brainlet but not to this point.

very high IQ post


im surrounded by english since i spend a shitton of my day fucking about on here and i've started thinking more in english than serbian
though i still only curse almost exclusively in serbian

You can't really escape English nowadays, especially when you're from a small country that doesn't produce a lot of internet content. Usually you can find only entry level material on various topics.

Now that I think about it, I don't remember the last time I Googled something in Hungarian other than shit like bus schedules.


If this is the consequence of globohomo, then I fully welcome it.

Like imagine being only able to see the world from the perspective of your countrymen. It's no wonder that people who are monolingual or simply fail to incorporate other languages into their daily life tend to be myopic and ignorant as fuck.

every day I wish for a massive EMP blast to destroy all the electronics in the worl

lose weight fat pig

a woman in a dress walked past me and sone fluid dripped from her crotch
what does it mean

Wjat was the color of the fluid?

milky white

It means she didn't clean herself up properly after getting ravaged by her brown bull.

She splashed you with her dick

Bros only a few more days and hell will be over.

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Ironic cuckposting is still cuckposting

big boy words

It's not cuckposting if you're brown yourself. Then it's bvllposting.

We're just switching hot hell to grey hell
Can't wait for those depression attacks caused by low sun exposure

It's a commonly used word, retard.

I don't mind.
Better it be cold and grey with less people outside than hell on earth with crowds everywhere.