How do I get a job as a sex toy tester?
> tfw best possible job
> doable remotely
> would even do on part-time minimum wage
How do I get a job as a sex toy tester?
> tfw best possible job
> doable remotely
> would even do on part-time minimum wage
unfortunately you have to be able to compare it to a real vagina so you're out of luck
A lot of jobs sound like a hell of a lot of fun but would be horrible if they were your actually job this is one
Plus if sex you tester was a real job It would involve a lot of dildos and dildees
>only using fleshlights and dildos that havent made it thru QA yet...
really activates my almonds
Look at this savage
When they're at the testing phase though it's a nearly finished product though, do you have any idea how QA actually works?
>gets new machine delivered
> dick gets yanked off in said machine
Did not pass testing.
Manlets. When will they learn?
Lanklet BTFO
hear me out here guys
what if you made a fleshlight that felt like a hand?
take all my internets sir
This cunts probably Australian
OP didn't even come back after this KO. Hit the X on the tab and is gone forever
Tyranossaurus rekt
How much link for a tube of burn cream?
You don't want that. They'll send you all the sample crap that might not be safe yet and burns your dick off