Really made me thonk

Really made me thonk

Attached: 1536581593560.png (755x840, 893K)

Too bad 99% of Turks don’t look like that. This guy is also half Albanian, real Turkish men don’t have white skin, blue eyes, or blonde hair. They’re black and brown

>Louis Cachet

>That small forehead
Typically non-European "Alpine"

Turks have only like 30-40% turkic blood on average though. The rest is Greek/Anatolian

>he will sacrifice his life
>helps by tweeting
>brother in blood

>small forehead

that guy is kurdish.

Dyed hair. His brother looks like a kebab shop owner.

that is a indo-EUROPEAN KURD

ITT: Fags

Attached: 1567077982473.png (803x688, 397K)

His father is Bosnian-Turk, his mother is from Edirne. Imagine being his brother tho, looking this average must suck ://

Attached: 0x0-01.jpg (500x350, 28K)

So it's true then. All Turks wish they were white Europeans.

not really, it's just that his brother looks so average compared to Kıvanç. Burak Özçivit for example looks more like a Turk and unironically more handsome than Kıvanç.

Attached: 3efef486-2951-4d1d-8556-e9b5760f5f7e_16x9_788x442.jpg (786x442, 20K)

>Posting the shopped pic

Attached: vrggg.png (570x930, 559K)

Is this you?

Attached: yakub.jpg (728x1083, 90K)

Triggered much?

Show me a pic of a male who you think has a normal european forehead

>I would sacrifice my life to defend his

Attached: 510.jpg (367x500, 19K)

Not like this

Attached: Alpine.png (618x321, 81K)

But like this

Attached: Swede_photo.jpg (2362x1575, 2.05M)

how did you came to that conclusion from those 2 posts?

>The rest is Greek/Anatolian
That explains why they're so brown and hairy.

This is him without light, he got brown hair

Attached: 514647d50fc4fb9470a3f142d3169d06.jpg (713x971, 90K)


Attached: i5HlP5u[1].jpg (2448x1836, 832K)

How do I get prolet gf like that?

>The rest is Greek/Anatolian
Other way around, really. Modern Greeks are Turkish.

Idol worshiping faggot.

Brown hair is literally just dark blonde hair you retard. Many people who have brown hair were blonde when young and the fact that the hair can change when it’s in different lightings prove that brown and blonde hair are essentially the same

>The rest is Greek/Anatolian

pic related is what an average greek couple looks like. notice anything?

Attached: greekoilwrestling.jpg (962x641, 138K)