First world country

>first world country
>most blacks there are poor
>hence they cause a lot of crime and problems

>over here, 3rd world
>the black immigrants here are well off (because we are all poor in comparison)
>never hear a word of crime or trouble from them (weird I never see them in bars though)

And that's how you solve the "negro" problem. Help them escape poverty. Why doesnt the west understand this?

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Ni**ers are too busy chimping out to figure out they can actually make it in life.

Fuck niggers

Dumb avatarfag

It's not something "the west" has failed to understand or grasp but people in economically more libertarian countries have to work for themselves, which sure is difficult but everyone does it and works hard. The blacks, on the other hand, often work less, are less educated, and therefore resort to crime and other means to have relative monetary success (like any other non-majority group, historically).

the west doesn't care about you. The top lads get richer and more powerful while the rest of us fight for the tiny slice of the pie left thats getting smaller

shut up anime, you're not one to talk about the third world if you're able to post here freely

>only rich thirdies can browse the internet and speak english
Why are firstoids so adamant of forcing this meme?
I am middle class, which is lower or lower-middle class in the 1st world.

The solution to the "nigger" problem is to only accept black people who are educated and with good enough working skills into your country. The problem is that westoids are extremely braindead and they accept every single nigger refugee, including ones that are fucking illiterate and won't even bother learning your own national language

I doubt your average person in the Philippines is a 1st world lower-middle-class (US$39.5k annually)

I earn probably 10k annually

this, you only see the good ones Philippine guy

That's true.
But itbis also true that they are stupid and illeterate because they are poor.
Listen. I know a lot of poor people who have sons or daughters as dumb as bricks. Why? Because they are malnutritioned. Their brains did not develop correctly as a result.

If you reallt want to solve the unruliness of blacks, give them a chance to escape pverty

Like UK then? Every Nigerian international student I've met are extremely smart and diligent A* students.

Hypocrisy at its finest

>most drug pusher addicts are poor
>hence they cause a lot of crime and problems

And that's how you solve the "drug" problem. Help them escape poverty. Why doesnt the tryhard conervative flip and our dictator chink cocksucker understand this?

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The first world negroes are poor because they are slave descendants.

Philippines are a violent shithole anyway. Also lol @ "black immigrants", pinoys are fleeying your hellhole en masse to Australia, Canada and the us, why the fuck would anyone even consider moving there?

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That is true
I watched 12 years a slave 2 weeks ago. good movie

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Literally everyone is descended from slaves. Nigroids are the only ones who whine about.

Not even close.

Why are you so edgy. You know educated Black people were still fucking shat in no matter what. That's why the nugget/black dichotomy is batshit retarded and harmful.

Our niggas are well off and dont do crime.

What about Brazil, user?
7% of our population is 50% negro, 80% is more than 10% African.
How we resolve it?

kill yourself avatarfag subhuman

Your niggas are the educated ones.
Fine people, they will just have some problems with the Nothern latitudes, but is not that of a problem.

>And that's how you solve the "negro" problem. Help them escape poverty. Why doesnt the west understand this?
the ultra wealthy construct racial disdain between groups in order to make room to """"democratically"""" develop society to their maximal benefit at the expense of everyone else.