What's going to happen to the Royal Family now?

What's going to happen to the Royal Family now?

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so fucking based, I wish he was my PM
fuck the EU, fuck Merkel, fuck Macron, fuck globalists, fuck the Jews

Attached: Boris_Johnson.jpg (870x496, 84K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-29 The country is stockpiling beans and body bags – but they won’t save us fr (620x297, 68K)

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Lol, as if the limp wristed prêt customers are going to start a revolution and behead the queen

Why do you hate Macron, he is pretty based as a Frenchmans go.

What is "pret customers" never heard that term begore.

Who else cant wait to see that old hag's head on a pike?

mission accomplished nigel you can come home now

Macron is "Europe is the solution for everything", while Salvini is "Europe is the root of all evil". They're natural enemies.

Mom can visit, but she has to stay in the guest house.

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>reviving emergency plans made in case of russian attack
Oooh, the irony!

They actually need each other, imo, like republicans and democrats
But Salvini just torpedoed it's political career for a while so the match with Jvpiter will have to wait

I love Boris Johnson too

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What about Trump?


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probably evacuated to canada while the rest of the country burns

I love Trump too. Ben Shapiro, PewDiePie, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Steven Crowder and Paul Joseph Watson are my favorites

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think he means the sheltered middle class toffs that buy lunch at Pret a Manger aren't likely to be doing anything the article suggests

Everyone air out the secret tunnels, and make sure all the candle stick levers are in working order.

I suppose she too will be moving to Argentina

Firstie is this bored

>block parliament to guarantee no deal brexit
>prepare emergency escape plan in case proles want revenge once shop shelves empty

Is Britain finally going to get rid of the monarchy and become a republic?

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I wish some chav just ran up and stabbed the cunt.

People say that suspending the parliament is undemocratic. But is it not more democratic to finally, after all these years, bite the bullet and deliver on the promises to the brexit vote?

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you're revolting

Here is your based Brexit, bro

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>A literal (((shill)))

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are body bags gas proof?
imagine eating loads beans and farting in the bag
now imagine 1 million people doing that, storing up farts for days
now imagine them going to the center of London and releasing the gas


The EU is worthless without the UK. It's over.

no, they like being subjects way too much

Problem is that the Parliament also voted against a no-deal exit

>quoting an unnamed source
so nothing will happen?

is this accurate?

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Yes but Brexit girl is a tranny.

hopefully she's relocated in my bedroom

Shill harder, Americunt

The thing is it doesn't depend on them. If the EU says "well, no more delay for you this time", then they're automatically out whether they like it or not, as per the article 50 they triggered states.

Not that it will happen anyway, EU leaders are way too gutless and once again they'll fall on their knees and sucks Bongs dicks. Especially Merkel, who's having heart attacks just as the thought of having tariffs being raised on her mercedes and bmw.

Nono, the UK is planning on revolting.

damn lol

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>having a closeted fag as president

That's why it was a thing even before the UK showed up late to the party in the 70's.

>Not that it will happen anyway, EU leaders are way too gutless and once again they'll fall on their knees and sucks Bongs dicks. Especially Merkel, who's having heart attacks just as the thought of having tariffs being raised on her mercedes and bmw.
True, Macron and her are playing good cop-bad cop with the UK
The idea to tell Boris to come up with an idea in 30 days was genius though

They restaush the lower of the monarchy and liquidate the house of commons.

that brexit girl is cute, maybe, after all brexit isn't bad of an idea

can I now have cute brexit girl? (I would post image but for some reason I'm being bullied by Jow Forums and their "your IP range has been banned for posting images because of abuse"-policy)

He doesn't really fit with the others even if he is the only Swede the rest of the world knows.

God save the Queen!

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Oh no not angry remainers

>Waddesdon Manor

Why is Jow Forums being bombarded with so many butthurt anti-brexit threads?

>europe's solution for everything
>gets isolated at G7


>broken English
Epic proxy you got there

>Shill harder, Americunt

>can I now have cute brexit girl?
Yes as long as you keep shilling for us on Jow Forums

me. Celebrities should be flayed alive on stream.


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How easy would it be to get a rifle or shotgun in the UK? Hello Five Eyes.

yes, that's right, keep talking about britain, post more about britain

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>literally the opposite
delusional Brexicunt


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Hit me up at [email protected] and I'll let you know.

English people look like THAT?!?

I thought the CIA was who to ask about arms smuggling

as hard as geting tableware

only easy if you're a farmer

Dp many people do you think own an old in like their attic or something that's unregistered or are the authorities on top of that kind of thing?

Sorry, just had stroke there. Mobile phone

It's not uncommon, you also see it with ex-Army people.

Parliament voted against literally every option.

well, we don't know what the parliament wants, but at least we know what it doesn't want

i hope they die

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>this lacking of self awareness



arent body bags for dead people??

>but for (((some reason))) I'm being bullied by Jow Forums and their "your IP range has been banned for posting images because of abuse"-policy)
because you posted dick pics in /d2g/, you fag