>I syth a syth at that syth.
>Se, I se the se bi the se whilk onie men can dae wi out se.
I syth a syth at that syth
>Fy! Gey forofochen efter I daed the etyng. Onie ane that auchs onie kennins kens at he disnae.
>Independence? Nah not for me bro
>Finns have existed as an ethnic group since 2000BC.
>They formed their first nation in the 1917
>During the rest of that time they were under foreign rule.
Why do you think you can complain?
we've existed way longer than that dumb fuck, we're literally the oldest europeans
You are a foreigner in Europe! Europe for Aryans not others!
Also FINNS are from 2000BC but Uralic from 8000-6000BC.
Picture the scene. Wednesday morning
in the Volley. Me and Tommy are
playing pool. No problems, and I'm
playing like Paul fucking Newman
by the way. I'm giving the boy
here the tanning of a lifetime. So
anyway, it comes to the final ball,
the deciding shot of the tournament:
I'm on the black and he's sitting
in the corner, looking all biscuitarsed. Then this hard cunt comes
in. Obviously fancied himself.
Starts staring at me. Fucking looking right
at me as if to say, 'Come ahead, square
go.' Well, you ken me, I'm no
looking for trouble but at the end
of the day I'm the cunt with the
pool cue and I'm game for a swedge.
So I squared up, casual like. So
what does the hard cunt do, or so-
called hard cunt? Shites it. Puts
down his drink, turns around and
gets the fuck out of there. And
after that, the game was mine.
sorry I don't speak Gaelic
For a second I thought that you're talking about synth.
We came here almost 11000 years ago DUMB FUCK
>Beljum? Isnae the Nord Fraunse?
>Downloading an image of Scotland's flag from the Internet?
>Nah, I'll just recreate it in MS Paint
Nope. Before then there was Proto-Lowlanders (we later migrated to Scotland after you tried to exterminate us.
I'm not.
Yeah, that was before I realized that you weren't typing in English.
>De Kiingdome caad Briitain? Suidlie Scottis docht uised tae aucht de yird under our ain-sel.
Sorry about that. The sentence doesn't actually translate to anything specifically since it uses homophones, so you decide what it means.
I decide that you typed about synth kek
>Lauchinnae about ain LEID!
Kollox sew.
nisa maltin għall-irġiel suwed
Mela ħsibthom ommok?
dak li huwa ħsibthom?
It-traduttur moħxi iktar minn l-iprem pornstar.
>It-traduttur moħxi iktar minn l-iprem pornstar.
skerz verġni
Mur nejjek nagħġa.