Whiter than you, M--

>Whiter than you, M--

Attached: 20190829_084424.jpg (720x719, 299K)

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Looks Slavic

100% aryan

Attached: 5F41A312-23AD-4CDA-BDB5-38F0F9B3E7A7.jpg (750x375, 65K)

this is how ancient canaanites looked

he has the syrian nose and face shape tho, he's probably albinos.

He’s not a Syrian. You do realize they use Europeans for these pieces to make people think Syrians are white like you and me.

He cute desu

looks slavic

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It's true! All of it! Assad is not Syrian either and neither is his wife! They are all crisis actors, wake up sheeple!

der kobold......

He is pretty cute no homo, what is this caricature about?

crusader rape babies

he could pass as a local in any country north of iberia

If they’re not European, they’re the descendants of Europeans settled in in the Middle East for centuries. I mean, plain logic dictates that just by looking at them.



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if you think he looks even remotely white you should get your eyes checked

>blond hair instead of white
nafri intellectuals everyone

The problem is that in the Middle east it's not like in America. He's a Syrian and nobody gives a fuck if he looks whiter or darker than his nationals

this syrian muslim is my brother on blood

you do realise that levantines are genetically different than other arabs?

furthermore, he doesn't have any distinct european trait. if anything he looks chechen

Whiter than you Schlomo Braunberg

>you do realise that levantines are genetically different than other arabs
les me guess, very few speak arabic?

Ahahahah take your medicines

literally whiter than me holy shit

>When he needs to direct his brain away from the violence at home, Najem, ironically, turns to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG, a multiplayer online battle game. Parachuting onto an island, he forages for weapons and tries to stay alive. He says that he plays less for the thrill, and more for the social opportunities. He’s met some nice female players. “He already fell in love with two girls and they now talk on Facebook,” Noor says, with gentle mockery.
Holy shit what a chad

Attached: 4CF88D03-F46D-4129-A07B-348697BECB53.png (600x458, 442K)

just because they look "white" it doesn't mean they have european ancestors mutts

he is whiter than entire southern europe

It does

Its a face taken from a german depiction of soviet soldiers in ww2 and applied to a soviet propaganda poster

>literally whiter than me holy shit

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100% documentarian

t. João ibn al-Bourtughese

no it doesn't

Fucking schizo

But Chileans also descended from Europeans? The Levant is genetically different because it experienced cross migration from the rest of the mediterranean. This unironically goes back to phoenician times but the most pronounced "recent" changes were due to mass migration from Greece during Ottoman rule and earlier Crusader rule.

>But Chileans also descended from Europeans?

She's literally 28% European what are you talking about

It does


she's 28% south european = aka non white

95% of the population is white mestizo mixed race

28% euro shouldn't be a part of her test results. But they're there and you can see it in her face

He doesn't look albino, but he could be. Albinos can have even brown hair.

Attached: 1557503126130.jpg (644x428, 40K)

T'y connais rien pauvre con, plein d'albinos ont exactement la même teinte de cheveux.

Attached: gtfrdeszq.png (690x690, 422K)

99% of them are dark brown, look like your typical indios

she has a semitic face

t. not an imbecile

There are different grades of albinism, just like autism

She does. But she has blue eyes and blonde hair and a very light skin, all of which are not suited for nor originate in the region

>blonde hair
Obviously dyed

Isn't there some people in sandbox that are white skinned, blond and blue eyed and being persecuted and oppressed for that.

And denied asylum because of whiteness
Then there was those south african whites who were refused refugee status because they were racists(white)

It would be the same if we were talking about light brown hair/ dark blonde

I think you might be new here

South Africans caused their grieving. I wouldn't say middle easterners invaded America or England

I think your talking about Yazidis

>South Africans caused their grieving.
Disgusting nigger commie

So it's not true? Why the fuck would I prefer a south African in my country? Fuck off

And stop dumping people in my lands, take them all for yourself. South Africans, middle Africans and middle easterners


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aren't yazidis just kurds?

no one posted the new varg pasta what a shame

6 million weren't enough

>let me tell you about your heritage

non imbecile post

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J2 levantine
J1 semite

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isn't it polish ?