>sits at home all night on his computer like a robot
>calls others NPCs for going out and experiencing new things
The most ironic part of this shitty reddit meme is that the people who are posting it are the real NPCs. So far I've seen it aimed at people who travel, soldiers, people who socialize, people who dance, athletes and people who go camping/hiking. They can't seem to realize that these are some of the top activities protagonists do in the vidya they go home and play every night. 90% of people who post this meme are background NPCs who walk to and from work, while not even having enough programming to form more than a forced 1 sentence response when interacted with. While the people you accuse of being scripted NPCs go out and live, you pathetically chuckle in your mind and then go home to upload it to the NPC board that is Jow Forums.
Sits at home all night on his computer like a robot
>That really made me think, OP!
tl:dr; me normie, me npc, me quirky and unique and can see memes for what they really are while you are all sheeples
it's okay we know you're a player like us user, its... the others we're worried about
>what's wrong? you seem to be in a bad mood
Just shut up and give me my quest.
Large parts of the NPC meme could be applied to anyone. At a fundamental level, it's meant to shame you for mindlessly going through the same routine day-in and day-out, but that's a necessity for 99.99% of humanity. Even outside the context of spending 40+ hours each week working for a paycheck, it's not like you're going to randomly decide to pick up merengue and dance the funky chicken. Habits, systems of functioning, they exist because they are easy and because we're used to them. Expecting us to become some ubermensch capable of doing anything is unrealistic, or at the very least disingenuous.
That said, while it is a shit-tier forced meme I do appreciate that it encourages people to try new things and challenge themselves.
>Jow Forums
>Try new things and challenge themselves.
Everyone on Jow Forums has been posting the same fucking frog for 10 years and still living with their parents
Let's get to know each other in this thread. Everyone post something unique about themselves.
I think about suicde every day
This guy fucking gets it.
Lol, this NPC is malfunctioning
i dont think you get the joke kiddo
I like pizza and Marvel movies
I think it’s an easy way to feel smug superiority without accomplishing anything yourself
like racism, patriotism, or “being a religion/ethnicity” without actively enacting its values in your life.
why does this meme make NPCs so angry
NPC is someone that is more or less an idiot. Doesn't matter if they do a bunch of shit or absolutely nothing. Goes camping / hiking, wow congrats you fucking faggot.
Normie, wagecuck, wojak jpgs with pea brain, NPC is just another funny way of describing these kinds of people
>he thinks going camping on the weekend between his cuckcage shifts makes him a non NPC
Fucking hilarious
NPC cope
Because it's really turning all their screws
and pushing all their buttons
Fucked that up, I meant, he thinks going camping on the weekends with his fat gf makes him a non NPC
The good thing is seeing how much it triggers NPCs to be told just how meaningless is their life.
On the other hand, you fucking force memers psyop retards will run the meme to the ground for no good reason. Well, at least "normalfag" will make a comeback.
Enlighten me user. What do you do that makes you unique and special?
lol fuck off normalfag
That's not very unique.
Your life is just as meaningless as theirs.
What people do or don't do, has no bearing on whether they are NPCs or not. An NPC is simply someone who isn't a real human with real thoughts. They lack a true mind, a real soul. They may believe themselves to be an "I" of course, but it's entirely superficial. Their sense of "Self" is rooted only in the extreme outer periphery of consciousness.
A way to visualize the nature of the NPC is as follows:
The skin of the human body is a a super thin covering with much more beneath it; blood, flesh, bones, organs, etc.
Real People: their mind, their Self, their consciousness = the whole body, from the core of the bones to the skin
NPCs: their mind, their Self, their consciousness = just the skin
(the above should not be interpreted as meaning NPCs are focused on appearance, or even focused on superficial things [although usually they are] -- if that's how you read it, then you 100% failed to understand the point)
intelligence and npcism are mutually exclusive
in every game there are intelligent npcs that have more sophisticated quests and scripts
npcism is more about monotony like repeating einstein or thomas jefferson quotes
meant to say are not mutually exclusive
This place resembles reddit more and more every week. Same fucking circlejerk "i am smart and others are stupid"
Makes me almost miss pajeets
I love how queefs sound.
That study really pissed you people off huh?
NPCs getting buttblasted by the NPC meme does more to ensure its perennity than anything else
I have every type of discrimination. Especially fuckin nazis.
Someone should go over the NPC code because this meme has them SEETHING.
Its not what you do.
Its the awareness of yourself while doing it.
Npcs dont see absurdity in anything, they just follow the trend as if it were an end in itself.
The NPC meme is just another variant of Dunning–Kruger effect. NEETs think they have some profound, too-deep-for-you understanding of human society, but in reality they're extremely ignorant.
Jow Forums should rebrand to "Reddit: Dark"
where the fuck did this meme come from?
The irony is anyone who refernces duning kruger is subject to it himself
thanks Satan :)
There's a huge difference between merely referencing the term in a debate and actively looking for ways to differentiate yourself from other people in ways to that put you in a better light.
double dubs checkd
When you think about it, there are so many situations where you have no choice but to be an NPC.
Prime example - nothing makes me feel more like an NPC part of an NPC crowd than going to a wedding. Seriously, fuck weddings. You go there just to be the background to someone's fleeting happiness. Happiness for which that someone spent money they either didn't have (parents paid for it) or could have used in a better way. Even the bride and groom are like NPCs going through the motions expected of them.
Imagine having to do the same when you sign a contract to buy a house or enter into an LLC with someone. Throw a huge fucking party that wipes 20%-100% of the net worth of the two people. Great idea, whoever thought of that.
a wedding doesn't need to cost anything
This. Its exactly the same meme as 'hipsters' out there in the real world. Exactly the same shit, normans accusing other normans of being hipster.
advanced npc detected. is the system adapting? there's been a lot of anti-anti-npc npcs
I like fucking BBWs in doggystyle and hearing them queef and moan
>Reddit spacing
>50 page essay on not getting the NPC meme
Nice try EA, your bot ai needs work before you ship the new game.
I also want to die
Certain posts make me feel a lot less shit about browsing this place, day in day out. This is one of them.
this NPC meme is just cope by autists who are the real NPCs
world domination
I play Knights and Merchants in this year of the Lord
>I think about suicide every day
me too
Your first point is correct. Racism is entirely logical though. Non whites build shit countries. I don't want to be around them and I don't want them here, nothing to do with smugness.
NPC > neets not moving entire day from basement
Players > wagecucks doing repetitive boss runs for pathetic loot
We are all plugged into the matrix
OP, can you prove that anyone besides yourself is actually conscious?
>Jow Forums user
>not an npc
Pick one
Yea, I ranted about this meme, but it actually makes people think about existing and promotes more existential questions.
Sadly Jow Forums is usually not great for self improvement, it attracts horrible human beings. It saddens me, because it would be fun to strive to be better with other bizlets or w/e.
>it attracts horrible human beings
by what metric? Jow Forums is one of the best representations of the human experience left on the internet.