How do people cope with being ugly in your country?

How do people cope with being ugly in your country?

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Other urls found in this thread: roasties/

I try to live with it.

Mass shootings


idk about males, but females just stick to studying


They don't focus about stuff thats out of their control and find different ways to improve their lives rather than dwelling on retarded shit like looks


post feet

no, they gun down innocents because they let old men cut their dicks and pretend to be white when it's convenient.

Stick to making cartoons for pedophiles and don't stick your nose into politics takeshi

with welfare

Enta għandi gamiil ya user.

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>the jew calling others pedophiles

I dont recall children having udon down there. Why is you friend slurping on that poor child?

Please die you worthless pest

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they either have yellow fever and convince themselves that asians aren't ugly by looking at plastic gooks or they kill themselves or other people

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sit and cry about it on reddit and 4chen

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End yourself

fuck off Austria incel shitposter

Int għandi ġemel? Min għandu l-ġemel, jien jew int?

They cope by claiming to hate women and that they never cared about females anyway

No need to cope when you still have all your dick parts.

But hey, it's not your fault that your sand parents perpetuate a barbaric ritual rather than taking care of you.

I just live with it I guess. It was kinda bad in elementary school when I got bullied for it but now I'm just a neet who never goes outside so it doesn't bother me anymore

By getting fit

Nobody cares, nafri women will still marry you as long as you have an EU passport and a wallet.

Why is it that japanese men decide to lock themselves up in their rooms and watch cartoons all day instead of being normal human beings? and why do their parents allow it to happen? its great that you have your foreskin, but at least I actually use my dick, japan's birth rates are abysmal, at least use your tiny 4 inch cock if you're going to brag about it

>End yourself

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It's okay here, some incels went for sex tourism in eastern europe, average looking european is chad here

You dont need to cope when everyone is ugly

1. Asian women are ugly as shit.
2. Asian men are ugly as shit.
3. Ever since Asians became aware of the beauty of the Caucasian race, they've become extremely depressed and envious and self-hating
4. Asian women are extremely entitled and demanding. They require a lot of maintenance which means they want somebody with a large wallet.
5. 2D is superior

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I dont need to pay girls to bang them.

As you mentioned earlier, you constantly need to cope for your lack of looks and foreskin.
At least I don't need to promise women money to bang.

Pathetic really

>I dont need to pay girls to bang them.
Ah right sorry I forgot you pay underage girls to serve you coffee in a maid outfit and treat you like a king because you never got any praise from anyone in your life, whats funny is you always bring up dicks, you seem to think about them alot, got something to tell us? Anyways don't reply to my posts, you're probably a short smelly skinny autist who never touched a woman and probably never will, keep working yourself to death and telling yourself that drawings are better than real women, if "muh foreskin haha" is the only point you can bring up then don't bother replying, insect zipperhead, 2 bombs weren't enough

have sex Incel freak

We Anglo men are incredibly desirable, so if our fellow Anglos consider us ugly we simply procure for ourselves a French, Dutch or Scandinavian girl for the purposes of breeding new Anglos

It's tough being masterrace

slavic comfort women

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I literally can't cope anymore, constantly have to hold in the tears when at work, school or the gym when I see girls

It's actually so over for me

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This femcel copes with being ugly in America. roasties/


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Wish I could be a neet but I'd actually commit suicide if I went back to that lifestyle

It's not about the physical part bro, I can get a pre arranged marriage if I wanted to but that's not the life I wanted

Maybe it'll all work out at some point

>underaged girls
I'm a married man. Only your people seem okay with old men shoving their mouths on mutilated boys. Not to mention your own shitty nepotism filled newspaper are busting out holywood kikes with metoo trends and whatnot
>you seem to think about dicks a lot
Idk, Im not the one with a book about cutting them, sounds more like a you thing.
Imagine coming from a group of people who worship a book like dogs to the point where most contries of the world kicked them out at some point.
I couldnt give two shits about your incest blood, it's your disgusting cult and backstabbing mentality that I hate.

Its funny to see you mad though, guess I hit a nerve like your priest did :^)

Extremely based. Fuck jews

I just try not to think of it

Is this supposed to be attractive?
The only comfort she could deliver would be if I could bash her ugly skull in

posting on Jow Forums

Get a load off this delusinal gook. Picrel what's being sold on the streets of japan, in you have the nerve projecting your degeneracy onto others, disgusting
You need to cope tho because the average height for jap "male" is 5'6, not to mention the micropenis and zipperhead face

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>I'm a married man.
>On Jow Forums
>Imagine coming from a group of people who worship a book like dogs to the point where most contries of the world kicked them out at some point.
Imagine killing yourself in a plane only for your country to be nuked twice and become america's bitch and have you ancestors worship drawings of underage girls like gods
Your country is dying, and thats a good thing, low birth rates, young men locking themselves up in rooms, parents that don't give a shit about their children, insect mentality to go into metal tubes like sardines for mutltiple hours a day, an aging population, say whatever you want about israel, or jews, but at least our country has a future, and is leading in innovation and start ups, the only thing japan has produced in the last 10 years were child pornography, and cartoons for degenerates