Do americans really give their sons names like

Do americans really give their sons names like

>Eugene (good genes)

Attached: lataus (52).jpg (225x225, 7K)

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I don’t know, Pytiookïj

>Do americans really

Dick Cheney

>>Eugene (good genes)
That's a Russian name. They still name their kids Evgeny, but as far as I'm concerned, no one under the age of 80 is called Eugene in English-speaking countries.
This is a name suffix. It's only used around family. Say for example your dad is John, then Junior is John Jr. Non-family calls him John.

rent free

Americans be like yeah my name's Deodat Washington Hunter Junior lol

eugene is a common european name, you asian shitskin faggot

Is the name Tex still given to kids?

I've never heard of that.

Eugene is a french name.

Do Americans really name their kids José, Juan, Aristemo or Jesús?

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Gaylord is a nickname

>hello, my name is billyjoe jimbob and im american

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You'd know

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Thats a nickname

No but they name them Brayan

Eugene is a greek name



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Got eeeem

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I find the negro names infinitely worse.

I was named after Joan Sebastian, so yes they do.


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It's just that one film.
Or do they really?

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You are not american
>Gaylord is a name of Norman French origin, from the Old French gaillard meaning "joyful" or "high-spirited".

>Gaylord Dingler, American stand-up comic
Hehheh, you've got to have a sense of humor if you have that name.

>Gaylord Silly (born 1986), French-Seychellois long distance runner

Hello, my name is Erexia Junior Lopez, and i'm from America.

Do finns really give their sons name like
>Aki Kaurismäki

>Gaylord is a name of French origin
im not really surprised

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>Gaylord Silly

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Do they really..?

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Eugene probably refers to the genus (the clan) more than the modern concept of genes. Even in Slavic we say that someone's 'unclanlike' (neroden) if they are clumsy.

but I am

meant for