Are you prepared for the grim dark future of Earth, Jow Forums?

Are you prepared for the grim dark future of Earth, Jow Forums?

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omega cringe
emperor is europe and am*RiKKKa is horus

Swap the US and Chinese flags

Also this

Fuck China Fuck EU

and most importantly


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No, you are the evil globalists

why is china horus? americans are the forces of chaos

I have a handful of guns and ammo. I guess I'll be fine

Emperor of Mankind is actually TURKISH

how does that make you feel?

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Replace the china and usa and put russia instead of eu.


Muh, there were no t*rks in Anatolia in 8000 BC.


trust me, he IS TURKISH.

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>mfw i realized Emperor of Mankind is actually TENGRI

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>why yes I'm a free market loving, neoliberal globalist. How did you guess?

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Such a retarded meme. Amerilards are Horus, always have been. And Xi Jinping is the closest we actually have today to a God Emperor

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This is unironically true. Roaches we wuz Emperoring are hotep tier

>Zoomers don't realise that Emperor on his throne was modelled after Lenin in his mausoleum.

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Just wait till they get bigger military and bases all over the world, then they'll start the invasion doctrine just like US.

no way