A world of difference

a world of difference

Attached: finn slav.jpg (484x416, 57K)

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they both look kinda like that one animal
you know, that one

No I don't because race is a social construct

Looks the same to me mr. achmad from brussles.

very good, but

Attached: whitebois btfo.jpg (964x553, 356K)

He's saying it ironically low iq arap

I heard it were another attempt to freeze our close realations with Russian (Finno-balto-slavic) peoples.

We only Hate Commies, Communism and Jews for what they started. Not the people of Russian unless they are Commie sympathizers.

Attached: Tommi.jpg (1024x576, 139K)

Spoken like a true FSB agent

Putin has Finnic in him DUMB FUCK

and we also hate russians

Wow... Finns are so alpha

Attached: tommi2.jpg (890x906, 168K)

Spoken like a true Hypridcenter anti Finnposting focused cuckold. Least i really hope you get paid for that low-tier shit.

We´v Always been Neutral or Middle of two very different Political areas. Why change that now?
Why give bigger reasons for a War. Lets grow our Military and be that "buffer-zone" between Europe and "Asia".

Attached: Sumuisku.png (785x757, 272K)

>We´v Always been Neutral or Middle of two very different Political areas. Why change that now?
Why give bigger reasons for a War. Lets grow our Military and be that "buffer-zone" between Europe and "Asia".

Attached: 1550658267510.png (1217x1015, 708K)

Russians either don't know Finland exists or hate Finland
we nothing to gain from good relations with them

what is it like to be 16

I used to think like this till i realised (age of 18) that most of Northern Russians are Actually Finnic peoples (now mixed ty stalin and communism) but still genetically closer to us than Swedes.

Attached: Haplogrupo_N_(ADN-Y)).png (953x551, 65K)

pro tip: haplogroups are not ideologies

pro tip: you're fuckign cringe

kaikki mä t: kringe homo

Most of them dont, but we can only blame about their schools. Russian education is a big joke, not a suprise since its a developing country.

Blood is thicker than your choice of idealogies.
I bet youv never even been at russia. Last time i visited Leningrad and Karelia at 4/10 times i could work with broken Finnish or Karelian.

Attached: Karjalan.png (682x900, 979K)

The Russians you love so much are taking over southeastern Finland soon we have a Donbass in our hands

Sori et jäin kaltases elämäntapaluuserin hampaankoloon. Vois auttaa jos päättäisit säälittävät päiväs.

Attached: Kettu (479).jpg (900x600, 92K)

>mfw people don't realize Putin is a Finnish undercover operative and Russia is a Finnish vassal state.

you have to go back


Left man is Estonian politician and Putin is Vepsian


Attached: CsClsrDUMAUuLDp.jpg (1200x998, 148K)

Isn’t Putin of Vepsian descent?


They are really not, what you should be more concerned is our Western Borded. It seems like immigrants coming to europe has started to rise once again.
t. expert of this subject
This is most likely more mine that yours land so stfu with your best before 2016 memes.

shut the fuck up already FSB man no one agrees with you

I am finland


Attached: 4566.png (1556x980, 704K)


Are finns really that paranoid warmongers or it's because Jow Forums is full of ylilauta jonnes?

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you dont know shit bäckman. Pack your bags and gtfo

We don't want war, we just want an end to Russian immigration. Is that too much to ask for?

There's literally nothing to do so here we go

You can always close the border for us and fulfill the EU quota with arabs.

>hate Finland
Why would anyone here hate Finland lmao? We either like you as a place to have a dacha or don't think about you.
Our education is great.

>Russians either don't know Finland exists or hate Finland
That couldn't be further from truth, where did you get that?

In reality it's the opposite, most Russians who are not exposed to english-speaking internet have no idea that Finns hate them, so they are either neutral or most often than not positive towards your nation, lots of Russians are interested in your culture too, we have at least 3 fairly popular channels on youtube about life in Finland. Personally, I had kind of a cultural shock when I got to Jow Forums and realized that you hate us more than anyone else

bulju has an IQ of 70 btw
t. knower

samefag and proxypilled

you seem a tad upset

Obviously, this piece of shit is saying that Finns are nearly the same as sl*Vs

They're both finno-ugric, also, this is bait.

>They're both finno-ugric
It's a meme btw. He definitely might have some finno-ugric admixture, just like every Russian, but there is no proof to that

shit thread

Finns are mongolian swedes

Putin is Vepsian.
Moscow is a Finno-Ugric word.
Rurik was a Finn

Rurik swede

Moscow is baltoid word

Attached: ms.jpg (1080x1348, 319K)

Putin was claimed to be 1/4 Finnic by some Russian media

Based knower.

Attached: suur-suomi.jpg (1328x1016, 226K)

Stop making fun of Jaak, he wants to replace ID cards with chips under the skin.

Attached: jaak-aaviksoo-82551643.jpg (900x1349, 125K)

Great job Estonia, I'm proud of you.

no botox vs botox
know the difference

Thanks, he wants to put the chips under the skin. What a madlad.

NOOO,Tatarstan captured

Attached: Screenshot_20190829-230600.jpg (1080x2280, 676K)

You can't "capture" what's rightfully yours.

Stop with ur ad hominems piece of useless shits

...with biological implications


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Its okay right?
We are lost tribe of Israel after all

Attached: SuomijaIsrael_liput.jpg (595x349, 30K)

Ok retard

come home issaschar man

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Reminds of Berlin, berl- being an old Slavic term for swamp.

Mustajoki sounds pretty similar to muscovy.

The u is pronounced like the o in "lose", the j is like y in"yes" and the k is pronounced like the g in the word "give".

Very long time ago after ice melted we came to this land after.
Our ancestor had a one goal to keep, keep this country filled with us genetics.
And i neither wont leave my watch till i die.

Attached: kirkko.jpg (533x800, 75K)

>Our ancestor had a one goal to keep

are you using the singular form here because of
>Based on molecular data, a population bottleneck among ancestors of modern Finns is estimated to have occurred about 4000 years ago.[3] This bottleneck resulted in exceptionally low diversity in the Y chromosome, estimated to reflect the survival of just two ancestral male lineages.[13][14]

he's jewish. are all finns jewish?

>just imagine subhuman being this attentionwhory

Putin is an udmurt (finn ugric).


You don't need high iq to play a mean puck
Just prioritize your functions

putin is veps, not slav. veps are finno ugrics

The one on the left unironically looks like the most Finno-Ugric person ever.

Stalin made almost all Finno-Ugric peoples in Ingria go extinct. After ww2 Vepsians and Votics were shot on sight for cooperating with German forces. Stalin changed all of Finno-Ugric language place names to russian, then the live ones first and lastnames. Then started the destruction of their nationalism. 90% of Mari speakers were repressed, local russians started hating on the indigenous peoples, they were considered outsiders and didnt get any jobs. That brought fear and desire to hide ethnicity. Then started the small Finno-Ugric languages like Vepsian elimination from schools, people were no longer taught classes in their own language, national literature decreased.

A new ideology was forced on by Soviet people who of course spoke Russian. By the early 1990s, one fourth of Finno-Ugric peoples didnt consider their national language as their mother language. It can be said that the russification had won. Nowadays Mari people are completely russified and the 60 Votic people and the 5000 something Vepsians are disappeared in the mass. The Finno-Ugric peoples suffered the most from stalin repressions

You are social construct.

Finnish heritage disease is a meme that exists only in northeast and north which were settled by a small number of people just centuries ago

Why are mental diseases are such common in finland? I mean, you're literal schizo, with your fixation on a thing you didn't even saw on your own? It's either you're uneducated swine or just sick and have to be restricted from society.

Is this the photoshopped photo of Andrus Ansip, the Mastermind behind EU's Article 13?

Attached: 1200px-Portrait_Andrus_Ansip.jpg (1200x1777, 335K)


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You should be banned for anti-Finnish racism

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