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Just remembering
Dylan Rogers
Dominic Diaz
>just hodl guys
Josiah Davis
Obviously drawn by a cuck
Ethan Gomez
i want her to sit on my face after she finishes that sprint
Robert Wilson
>be me, average white guy
>not rich, parent had to work hard to afford my schooling
>Finished high school and middle school
>Wanted a military carreer
>Applied, got accepted
>Layoffs due to economic crisis, military contract revoked
>Apply again, accepted into a different branch.
>Layoffs due to economic crisis, contract revoked again
>Decided to start working a civic job
>can't find job due to recession
>decide to go for a wageslave job. Spent years in cold grey wharehouses doing shitty temp jobs
>Did some studying on the side while wagecucking my ass off, busting both my knees and my back
>now have steady but shitty job
>still live in the most shittiest of neighbourhoods
>can't buy home because of banks
>can't rent decent appartment because of retarded prices
>can't apply for nice appartment due to incredible long waiting lists
>can't built comfy tiny house because of retarded building laws.
>stuck in economic limbo, being taxed into oblivion while wagecucking 40 hours a week.
>meanwhile, the politician i liked and wanted to vote for when i was 18 got assasinated by leftist scum.
>I've had to endure my forefathers being portrayed as monsters my entire life
>i've had to endure seeing the intentional erosion of my culture and my people my entire life
>i've had to endure the most vile and hatefull propaganda, labeling me a monster for being genuinly concerned about my people
>Still love humanity and the incredible potential we have as a species.
>Now have to endure my voice being taken away by apple, twitter, youtube and the EU parliament while leftists cheer for such hardcore censorship.
Yes yes... such privilege... and yet liberals go hysteric when they lose ONE single election.
It just boggles the mind at this point.
Josiah Ortiz
As an immigrant from the Soviet Union, i always got shit in the 90s for being white but luckily never had white guilt
Colton Gray
I really did feel above it all when btc and crypto was doing well
Colton Nguyen
Last December was the most comfy I've ever been
Mason Gray
Which country?
Jaxon Hill
just go all in in DOGE
Aaron Taylor
Connor Moore
man so comfy.
checkd btw
Angel Miller
John Clark
This one makes me kek - Slavs and Eastern Europeans in general have had had far, far tougher lives than any American blacks. I know some that had to literally hide under piles of their families bodies when escaping the Balkans in the 90s, that level of shit. Yet apparently they're still slave-owning colonisers with privilege. The fucking state of Leftists.
Nolan Martinez
So what are you going to do about it you dutch piece of shit?
Adam Davis
eastern european here.
doing well now cause things have changed a lot compared to the 90s, but I still laugh everytime I hear modern "nigger problems"
Liam Morales
we must keep the dream alive brethren
Zachary Brown
Privilege still exists regardless of niggers.
Some people simply have it way harder than others, such as your example. Yes, niggers havee it easier by comparison but privilege still exists regardless of that.
Mason Martin
Never give up hope user. Even when the odds seem insurmountable.
Brody Nguyen
Joshua Foster
Wat een kankerverhaal. Ga ergens anders janken kut PVV'er