Damn, I bought a german tv by mistake

I bought a new 4k tv online and I didn't realize it was made by a german company until arrived today and I saw the fucking german flag on the box.

I don't want to own products made by nazis.
How should I destroy it ?
Throw it into the medeterainean?
Drive over it with a car?

Attached: P90829-124332.jpg (4000x3008, 2.43M)

Send it to me
I don't care if it's Hecho in Germany

drive over it with your electric scooter

Attached: Shahar.jpg (1524x1320, 368K)

I bought oven cleaner once, ironically it was made in Israel.

Most German companies nowadays are owned by jewish people and not nazi's so I think you should be fine

>"I didn't realize it was made by a german company"
So, what does "Blaupunkt" sound like? Like Korean?

why do you keep buying more stuff when you're already in debt shahar
you are by far the worst kike i know of

>43 inches
lmao that is one small tv

I love technology and gadgets.

>I didn't realize it was made by a german company until arrived today

if you could return and get your money back then it's something else but now you already filled their pocket

>fucking BLAUPUNKT
yeah not obvious at all

>I didn't know it was german
you're a slavic jew aren't you?

Attached: 1566994044859.png (657x527, 29K)

Retarded slavic jew*

For someone like me who doesn't know german like me (and I don't want to know the language of nazis) it's not immediately obvious.

Please kill yourself Shahar

My grandpa put yours into the oven.


Blaupunkt shit in the US is all made in Mexico by contracted OEMs. When you open them up it's all just a mix of Taiwanese, Chinese, Mexican and Finnish parts.

It's made in China, the panel is chinese, the mainboard is chinese, it's a chinese TV with a German name on it.

What isnt made in China these days

Just like you I suppose

This. I never heard of this comany before. Here they sell Korean/Japanese TVs. There are cheap off-brand TVs but they definetly dont make any in Germany.

A lot of PCBs I see on electronics these days are from Vietnam, Taiwan, Mexico or Brazil. China is kind of losing their monopoly on consumer electronic manufacturing. A fair share still comes from Korea and Europe too. Same with automotive components.

Other westoid companies do this with laptop. Take chinese laptop like EZbook and new name with linux OS. Wow linux laptop !

Things made in SE Asia or Korea.

Stuff made in Jungle Rice countries or beaner countries.

throw it in the sea

Don't worry, it's a chink TV and they just licensed the Blaupunkt brand name.

>was a subsidiary of Bosch GmbH
>Bosch GmbH was working with the Nazis since 1933 making war armaments
OP you literally non-figuratively killed 600 billion Jews, you must now commit seppuku to atone for your sins.

>I never heard of this comany before.
Do you live on the moon? Blaupunkt is very well known here. Especially when it comes to car audio equipment.

Is he really 37 thousand in debt?

>Not selling it to a fellow Israeli for a two or three times the price you bought it

37k sheckels, not us dollars. There's no proofs that Shahar is the whore indebted Israeli, it's probably a shitpost.

>buys blaupunkt
>i didnt know its german
dumb jew, how did you manage to get out of the oven?

Part of everything are made everywhere dumb mutt
It's the engineering that means something

worst merchant

If it makes you feel any better, actual blaupunkt went bankrupt a while ago so now most blaupunkt products you're going to see are basically sticker brands who bought a license to put the name on their shitty Chinese garbage.
I got to pick a gift from my company for passover that one time and one of the options were a blaupunkt sound system, so I looked it up and nowhere on the internet, with the exception of one shitty site in hebrew that sold it, seemed to know it exists, after looking around a bit more I found out why.

tell me where you live and I'll take it off you.

germans dont make TVs