India is based and I want them to succeed

India is based and I want them to succeed

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_India.svg.png (2000x1333, 61K)

Thank you friend :)

India is based and I want them to succ (but girls only)


Why don't all the Indian countries just unite into one big superpower? Even China and USA couldn't compete

They practically own all Western Women.
They are handsome, smart, talented and great lovers ^_^

lol based

whole country of filthy con artists

Attached: 1566178457888.webm (642x360, 2.46M)

Good thing they'll be a superpower in only 125 days.

based and shit pilled

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Latinas love euros. Less hair more ass n less sass


I'd like to see that, bangladesh and pakistan slaughter cows in masses.


Things like this is proof that honkies will fail.
>Not as crafty as Pajeet
>Not as smart as Zheng
>Not as strong as N'Tyler
>Not as pretty as Isabella

Whites are probably the most pathetic race in the world. Complain about minorities but we're your future, and your governments are selling you down the river. Feels good knowing I won't have to smell my white neighbor's cooking in a couple of years


Islam obiously

check my repeating digits

trial #3



there is a delayed response

Chup be

Thanks Germany. You can come here after the collapse. This goes for everyone itt. Except for muslims.


the more whities employ Indians as BPO employees.. the more we'll get your womyn.

Gr8 b8 etc.etc.

Indians are hilarious. Very upbeat, positive people, very social. Their con-artistry skills are to be commended but in America we've gotten it down to a science. Indians are very slick, I guess they're used to haggling in their country? I've known several who could sell ice to an eskimo.

Indians are very smart and very dumb at the same time, I imagine Indian schools teach Indian children from ages 5-9 and then they're just like, "fuck it you're on your own" and then the ones that want to be doctors or engineers or whatever go straight to college while the rest of them shit in the streets.

Is it true that there is a religious aspect to defecating outside?
Like your soul being more in touch with Brahman when you do it, compared to using a toilet? Cows also poop in the open - is it connected to that?


Wait for 2020 fren

Indians are the nicest people in the world

my impression too
haven't interacted with many yet but the few I've met were all nice

I'm not racist or anything but I really don't like Indian aesthetics and I hate that they wear jeans on flip-flops. Also burger style capitalism is working awfully there, needs communist party to pull nation out of poverty.

I'm white and have spent a few years here. You think jeans and flip-flops are a bad combination because you've never had to deal with months and months of sweltering heat and torrential rains. Enjoy taking your dress shoes out in 45 C heat and through streets flooded up to your knees.

I met Indians from all backgrounds, not once have I encountered a bad Indian. Pakistanis and Bengalis on the other hand....let’s just say it’s a good thing Pakistan and Bangladesh aren’t part of India.

I met Indians from all backgrounds, not once have I encountered a bad Indian. Pakistanis and Bengalis on the other hand....let’s just say it’s a good thing Pakistan and Bangladesh aren’t part of India.

Based. Please take more slave workers and give us dates and figs in return

Memes aside india is among the better thirdie countries and their future is bright.

Yeah, so do Germans and Italians. What about it ?

Like 90% of you guys are not muslim

Why can't they just wear shorts with flip flops then

I'm not racist or anything but I really don't like Indian aesthetics and I hate that they wear jeans on flip-flops. Also burger style capitalism is working awfully there, needs communist party to pull nation out of poverty.

Yes, I want them to BTFO Pakis and to kick some Chinese ass

The only reason we haven't told you all to fuck off is because our governments are holding a gun to our heads.

I've been to the United Arab Emirates and don't seem to recall anyone except white people wearing shorts there. It's cultural. In fact, adult aversion to shorts is widespread all over the world. You won't see many Mexicans, Guatemalans or Egyptians wearing shorts, either.

India isn't even close to capatialist. India is probably more socialist than China.

based and poofagpilled

Pakistan should be divided.

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krauts being based for once

>"why don't all the indian countries unite?"
>because the other ones kill cos and are muslim
>"yeah but so are Germany and Sweden"

what the fuck do Germany, Italy and Sweden have to do with India, Bangladesh and Pakistan uniting you retard?