Show me your cheap car

Show me your cheap car.
€ 7.790,-

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i ride your mother for free

11.550 €

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Two Volvo 244's, one I've built a full cage in, suspension setup, engine swap etc, the other one is a parts car I keep in the barn.

Price for both in total - 4.800 €

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bönde subhuman

Useless city faggot

Do you need a lot of fuel?
6 l gasoline / 1000 km (54 kW)

>revsese google searches those pic
>no results
Okay, you win this rokd££££



I didn't build it for fuel efficiency, I built it to have fun with.
And I fuel up for free pretty much at work.
But somewhere around 0.8 liters/10 km. A bit more if I drive hard.

5600 Euro, I'm the third owner.

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€11 898

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holy based

>tfw you will never be a Volvobonde

Wish I had 244


I'm going to buy one too. Does it have any problems in operation?

Sorry for late answer, been at work all morning.
I have not had any major problems no, only issue have been a leaky exhaust after many wet and salty winters. Had it replaced last month.

Volvo rager lookn ass

€ 5.245

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Chevy C10, LS3, 4link etc. Around 650HP.
Under 9500 Euro. Waiting for a new manual trans right now.

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are you the raggare poster?

Yep and no. There's a two of us. I prefer performance cars, the other one drives rusty junk

>tfw pay 2000 Euro for drivers license
>buy car for 3k
>drive 4 hours in total
>watch tv, have massive grand mal seizure
>literally crush my own teeth from clenching my jaws
>end up in hospital
>next week, get phone call
>"sorry my man but we just found out you have epilepsy and I'm sorry to inform you that your license have been revoked for 12 months

That was 6 years ago... Still have random fits and can't drive...

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I've got a 2001 diesel 90 hp peugeot 206 with 190 000km on the odometer.
It's a shitbox, scratched and banged everywhere, but it's MY shitbox.
It wouldn't even be worth 1000€ now, yet it's still going strong.

Too poor for a car, stuck with pick related. Would kill for a 69 Charger or a Roadrunner.

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>literally crush my own teeth from clenching my jaws
I am sad now

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Thanks man, but I luckily enough I kinda passed out before feeling any pain.


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No car but pic related is my dream and the only reason I'm not a NEET.

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it is a new one!

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pic related, although mine is black.
cost me 7k €.

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What are the fuel prices in Sweden?

In my county, 15-16kr per liter

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I really want a fucking yeti.

Damn, I've been eyeing old GC8 STI's a lot. Hows the rust, do you drive it during winter? I'm really afraid to hop from my Volvo 740 to it, because I'd actually have to put some care into it, whereas I can fix anything on my Volvo with just a screwdriver.

Got two. A golf 5 under 150k km’s.

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Pretty great thing.

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The second is a Corsa C over 200k km’s.

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Why do you own 2 small cars?
I mean owning 2 cars like one sporty/convertible and one actual practical car makes sense, but 2 pretty similar ones?

I bought it second hand this spring. Haven't driven it in the winter yet, but there isn't any rust to be seen except for some under the exhaust and by the coils. Easily replaced.

special heater for Volvo

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I am about to buy a 3rd too, something much larger. They are my personal property but have small business in family and others use it too.

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t. Gets pulled over every 200km by police in search for narcotics

>one sporty/convertible

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A Chad.

t. 45.000km so far without being stoped, ever
Even crossed a lot of borders with it. Mutltiple times from Holland and Eastern Europe, even.
It is completely stock, tho.


Dunno whether to buy a 4x4 or hot hatch for my next car. I'm worried I'll look like a manchild in a hot hatch because I'm a 30 year old boomer but I love them. I want something fun under 10k.
>inb4 rwd jap car
Too tall


Arischer als du, Kevin.


nice i dont drive a car though

160.000 - 237.500 km
3 owner
€ 1.500,--

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Shitbox story so far:
Replaced engine
Replaced gearbox
Vibration damper for gearbox is just a piece of plastic, replaced by higher quality
Replaced half of the sensors with spares from the wreck i get the engine crom
Original owner gave up on it as it had gotten electric damage to computer brain, so its now a 2004 Vauxhall Corsa as brain. Fuel pump had to jury rigged as the electric output was incompatible

Pretty good car once you start going +160 km/h

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