When will france give back stolen Italian lands especially Corsica and Savoy

When will france give back stolen Italian lands especially Corsica and Savoy.

Attached: Flag_map_of_Greater_Italy_(Kingdom_of_Italy).png (1663x1504, 41K)

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Finders keepers

Attached: Come_And_Take_It_Mural.jpg (454x460, 26K)

The whole of Italy is French by right of conquest and by right of birth

I will come and take it. Pennisula cunts RISE UP.

Probably never


Attached: 1442365095999.png (2380x688, 91K)

Italian monkeys don't deserve an inch of greek land
If anything, magna graecia needs to return to hellas

A single country surrounding the adriatic would make for very unaesthetic borders; also hands off french land, spaghettiboo


both were sold you literal ape

phase 2 to phase 3 seems quite optimistic

Mexico also "sold" the U.S half their land
Doesn't mean it isn't rightful mexican territory

Can we get the north? Then the mämmipizza would be real...

Italy winning a war against San Marino is optimistic.

Superpower by 2030, when you are a superpower other people will just ask to be annexed

Italy never has savoy. It was the personal land of a king that sold out to France for help against Austria

Actually they sold Corsica too because the people revolted and they couldn't quell that rebellion

This is what I do in Victoria II to make my life easier desu

Why does int autocorrect t b h to desu

Because this site was made by fucking weaboos t b h

I lost an argument that way on /mu/

Savoy has always been French linguistically and culturally.
Corsica and Nizza, on the other hand...

I've just adapted to the site's culture.

Savoy wasn't sold you dummy.
Napoleon III promised Lombardy and Veneto to the Piedmont-Sardinia in exchange of Nizza and Savoy, but you eventually stopped at Lombardy because "what if they become too powerful?". Then Piedmont annexed the South and Central Italy and you threatened to intervene if we didn't give up Savoy and Nizza.
Both had a plebiscite but it was obviously rigged. Savoy was pro-France but Nizza was most definitely pro-Italy, even Garibaldi was from Nice.

I wish

Wtf is it to you English teacher?

are we alive?

Fuck off Paolo
t. niçois

What about Alsace-Lorraine



What about Alsace-Lorraine


What about Alsace-Lorraine


>we stopped at lombardy
>Italian education
If it weren't for our soldiers life you wouldn't even be an united country.

What about Alsace-Lorraine

Are you actually retarded? That's the Austrian-Prussian war, France didn't even take part in it. Austria ceded Venetia to you as a symbolic way to not cede Venice to Italy. You were supposed to give us Venetia in 1859. The fact that you helped us in 1859 is irrelevant to the discussion.

not anymore friend. not anymore...