Do people in your cunt believe in astrology?

do people in your cunt believe in astrology?

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Only women from 33-55 who read gossip mags and do 2 week diets.

Young Japanese girls enjoy astrology as entertainment
although they don't believe in it so seriously

>OMG, I'm such an aquarian

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Libra is best.



Funny thing that. I know it's bullshit. I've said so, too. And then along comes a girl and asks me what's my sign. "Taurus", I say, "not that it matters." So then she proceeds to tell me what I like and dislike, what my interests and character traits are. It wasn't formulated to fit anybody, it was quite specific, and she was 90% correct.

People with mental disorders (roughly half of the population) do.

This, but only the weirder ones


It’s becoming a thing, a bunch of girls are into it because they’re the more retarded sex.

it can actually be 99% acurate because you also have 11 more signs and if you account all of them you can even precisely tell when the person will die


If this comment goes thru ASStrology confirmed legit

its only spooky because you are so dumb you dont even know what you like, dumb chad

worse, bible stories

Same. Also taurus, and when I wander the internets and find female astrology shit everything they write about taurus fits me

I never believed in it until some guy divined my character traits down to the strangest ones like me not switching off the lights when I leave the room or drinking too much water in one straight go instead of drinking it over time. Scary stuff.

No because that's dumb

Of course not, I'm not a retard

Aries itt, ask me anything.

Yeah a lot of dumb fucking women and some "men" too.
They're going to hell for worshipping the host of heaven.


>Superstition largely ridiculed by the mainstream
>Media staunchly promote non-religious, scientific materialist views

... yet they have all have a horoscope section. You can have a newspaper talk smack about religion and then turn the page its "WHAT DOES THE STARS SAY ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE THIS YEAR?"

Litteraly wat

Fuck aries

I am virgo which in Greek is the same word as virgin.. So i am both virgin irl and in my zodiac sign.

don't even get me started on that there are literal TV CHANNELS that go by the genre of fucking ASTROLOGY. AQUARIUM ass shit

what's a good source to learn more about this?

You could say everywhere there will be people into it.

I'm Cancer. And my associated sign is 69. How based is that?

Lmao imagine not being Leo. Chad Leo and the vrigin virgo