1. your lang

1. your lang
2. The order in the sentence "Dog doesn't eat under the table"

The BVLLEST master race order is SOV word order+postpositions+negative particle at the end/after of a word.
So, it'll be
>dog table under eat(not)

Congrats and welcome if u a REAL BVLL, if u a not, no problem, post your order to.

Attached: b6b6.png (1243x907, 1.48M)


Attached: gigachad color.jpg (1050x902, 132K)

1. English, the most chad language used by everyone on earth
>The dog does not eat under the table

Also, russian word order same as english and it's shit wes*ernoid lvl desu.

at least you can change the word order if you want

Of the languages I learned past A1

1. Der Hund isst nicht unter dem Tisch/unter dem Tisch isst den Hund nicht - the dog eats not under the table/under the table eats the dog not
2. Hunden äter inte under bordet - Dogthe eats not under tablethe
3. Le chien ne mange pas sous la table - the dog not eats not under the table
4. Coбaкa нe ecт пoд cтoлoм - dog not eats under table

>unter dem Tisch isst den Hund nicht
This means "under the table does not eat the dog". You need to replace "den" with "der"

Shit you're right I'm half asleep

It can be either "hindi kumakain ang aso sa ilalim ng mesa" (not eating the dog under the table - VSO) or "ang aso ay hindi kumakain sa ilalim ng mesa" (the dog does not eat under the table - SVO)

It can be either "hindi kumakain ang aso sa ilalim ng mesa" (not eating the dog under the table - VSO) or "ang aso ay hindi kumakain sa ilalim ng mesa" (the dog does not eat under the table - SVO)

The dog not at table underneath eat

>the dog not at table underneath eat

What did gookmoot do this time

Flip word for dog is Hindi,
>Indians on suicide watch

Not my language but

dog, table-of under-at eat-not

In Indonesia it's "anjing tidak makan dibawah meja" dog not eat under table

Ктo (S) тeбe тaкyю хyйню (O) cкaзaл (V)?

Пocлeлoги и нeгaтивныe чacтицы пepeд/в нaчaлe cлoвa энивeй.
Nice, i actually intrested in austronesian languages firstly.

Russian has no strict rule about word order. You can use both SOV or SVO

Пocлeлoги и нeгaтивныe чacтицы пepeд/в нaчaлe cлoвa энивeй.
Nice, i actually intrested in austronesian languages firstly.

SOV + prepositions is a patrician choice. Romans and Proto-Indo-Europeans can confirm.

Also don't forget about the "mihi est" construction which still hasn't been replaced by "to have" in Russian.

Пpeдлoги тo ecть.
>Nice, i actually intrested in austronesian languages firstly.
I mean if austronesians don't use these 3 rules then my theory will be confirmed.

>Romans and Proto-Indo-Europeans
Shit tier, sry.

Dog table under eat does not.

Dog table under eat does not.

Are you sure? Internet says to me it must be
>does not eat
Not before a verb.

Don't ruin my theory pls.

My bad, I did mean *dog table under eat not does.

The dog eats not under table

"dog table under eat not" is the winner


Câinii/Câinele nu mănâncă (de) sub masă.
Dogs /The dog not eat (from) under table.


Damn, it's hard to understand for me. Are you use 2 verbs like in english (does, eat) in hindi in this sentence? And put not between them, first time i see something like this.

>El perro no come debajo de la mesa
>The dog no eat under of the table

Koer ei söö laua all
(Dog no eat table under)
Koer laua all ei söö
(Dog table under no eat)
Laua all koer ei söö
(Table under dog no eat)
Ei söö koer laua all
(No eat dog table under)

soy grammar lmao

>Hunden spiser ikke under bordet
directly to english, have to add endings to substantives to replace (the)
>doggen eats not under tablet
directly from your way of writhing it
>Den hund gjor ikke spise under det bord
its a sentence a foreigner could make in his first week of learning norwegian
fuck norwegian is simple.

1. Flag
2. Koira ei syö pöydän alla.
Dog not eat table under.

I can never get over the fact that Estonian sounds like retarded Finns speaking Finnish. Who cursed your language.


Estonian is just Simplified Finnish, created by communists just like they did with Chinese language.

But anyway Finnish sounds like language that drunk Estonians speak :DDD