This is how Europoors live

This is how Europoors live

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Imagine sleeping within 10 feet of another human being

Oh look, Malta.

>amerifats have to drive to get to the grocery store

We have to drive to go anywhere retard

Who /full/ here?

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definitely us


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>After all these years, you can clearly see old Prussian and old Hungarian borders


Iceland looks nice

>not full at all
>still more environmentally disasterous than us

Why Denmark so empty?

>tfw not full and not America-tier zoning

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We have winters you retard.

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/istanbul/ here, with 15 mil people. 500k of them being syrian refugees

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Only if you live in a small suburb or a rural area. Even large suburbs are somewhat walkable.

Imagine all those people squatting on beautiful roman, byzantine and ottoman history. Istanbul should be quarantined and turned into a city sized museum.

We're empty as fuck. Although Sofia is overpopulated

Us, that's why we need more land

Nah just nuke T*l av*v&it's surroundings and 50-60% of the countries population would die.
They're all soy cucks anyways

scandiland here I come

the definition of city/town is obviously different

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How can someone possibly be retarded enough to use a map where Finland is bigger than France + Spain + Germany when trying to show density?
Damn it, the idea that absolute retards like that probably get paid for such awful work is nauseating.


>city or town above 1000 inhabitants
>the definition of city/town is obviously different

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you are as stupid as i expect of a shitalian. in my country, there needs to be at most 200m between buildings in order to be classified as urban area. this changes in each country

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What's the deal with scotland? Why is half the country basically empty?

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Didn't bring in enough Pakis

imagine asking this as a norwegian

why is everyone in this thread a brainlet

>Life in a northern town

lmao Israel, this place would have stayed deserted without the Jews.

Clam down Rasmus, I'm guessing the actual answer is centralization because of the industrial revolution + industry being shut down in the 70's/80's making life even harder unless you live near a city?

>Norweigan education

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how do you know my name?

people don't live there because there are mountains, as is the case in the rest of europe

why dont you just live in the mountains tho

I wonder why ameribro

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mountains aren't fit for civilization. flat land + river = human settlements aka cities

I already showed him that danebro

I live in the USA and people fucking starve because it's it's an hour drive to a grocery store that sells fruit and vegetables. or they go to a bar and eat greasy freezer burnt burgers

But we have roughly the same amount of mountains but still population living among them. Not up on thousands of m of course, but along the edges. Judging from the pic there's lots of valleys, and along the seaside, were it would be livable.

You have way more mountains than they do, you are way bigger than scotland - hence less population in mountains.

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Of course, but I was talking about the density. We have red dots around mountain areas pretty much all across the inland, and habitants all along the coast. Meanwhile, Scotlands western coast is barren and there's no one around the mountain ranges. I'm more inclined to believe the reason is centralization politics and not environmental.

>Norwegian doesn't understand what mountains are

Found the incel

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