U wake up in Srednekolymsk

u wake up in Srednekolymsk...

Attached: Srednekolymsk, Sakha Republic. Russia.jpg (1181x660, 112K)

>50 C difference in mean temperature between coldest and warmest month
>98 C difference between record low and record high
how is it to live in a place like this?

yesterday I found out that there are actual normal-looking cities in Russia like Pyatigorsk, not just the Siberian shitholes that get posted here 24/7

I would rather live in a Siberian shithole than there

*go back to sleep*

hey, what's wrong with Pyatigorsk?

looks comfy
stay inside and shitpost

NO, no, i said NO, you will ruin it!

You will experience winter lasting 8-9 months of year. During December-January sun never come up and it is permanent darkness with temperature getting to -28. For six weeks in June-July you will have hot weather with mosquito swarm rising from tundra to consume blood from all animal and human in area. Sun is up entire day so you will have to draw blinds and wear sunglasses to sleep.

^This. OP is faggot. Only people who live in shithole like OP pic are Siberian native like Yakut and Samoyed.

sounds non-comfy

It's probably about same as northern Sweden, no?

Not really, there is no part of Sweden that has that strong continental climate, at most it's like 25-30 degrees difference in temperature between coldest and warmest month.

This town has a cute flag though

Attached: Srednekolymsk_flag.jpg (567x373, 83K)

There was solar eclipse last January with epicenter in Srednekolymsk.


Attached: Без названия.jpg (900x600, 175K)

Srednekolymsk is 67 degree north. Murmansk is 68 degree so actually little further north but temperatures pretty mild from ocean. Even in January it usually don't get colder than -13. Endless winter dark and summer daylight still shit though.

Top aesthetic

Summer in Murmansk also usually not higher than 21 degrees. Some Siberian places if they inland and away from ocean can get up to 26 degree or more in midsummer. Yakutsk set record of 38 degrees July 2011.

god I wish mammoth weren't extinct


I genuinely can't believe there are human beings that can survive under such living conditions