Is this true, guys?

Is this true, guys?
Is everyone destined for this?

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Well yes unless you have mental issues and not just insanity but also being a dick

no, 80% of all men born never bred, most of our DNA is mitochondrial.
sorry buddy.

don't take advice from wh*Te b*yz

If only he knew how bad things really are.

haha things sure have been taking their time

if that is what you want and you put some effort into it, yes


if you're consistently putting in the effort, then yes EVENTUALLY
some people just get things much more easily and sooner
and others don't even put in the effort to get better

>you'll graduate
Dropped out of high school multiple times and later dropped out of uni.
>you'll become an adult
Depends how you frame it.
>you'll find someone who loves you
Not even my parents loved me. If unconditional love isn't in the works, it's probably a little unfair to expect any other sort of love.
>you have an entire life
I've been on Jow Forums since 2005. Fuck.

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why the fuck would I want any of that

People like this have never gonna through hardship in their lives, fuck them

based manchild

>most of our DNA is mitochondrial
Even foreign organisms have had greater success in our genepool than most guys. Fucking rip.

any day now

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No, and even if we were, stressing out about work/school isn't bad unless you're having panick attacks.
it's a good source of motivation and has pushed me to achieve when I just wanted to go home and jack off.

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>entire life
are normtards always this cringe?

>haha I'm adulting!!!

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>unless you're having panick attacks
haha, imagine that

you guys ever stop and think, how did it come to this? when or what made me deviate from the normality and the conformity that everyone else is living in?

i remember growing up watching cartoons, playing football, liking girls, all that jazz but still i ended up "different" as in i work a dead end job, no future, no enjoyment of anything else beyond my room; it feels all tiresome to me

yeah haha

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Well for me it happened when I was molested at 11. I became withdrawn from everything and that shit snowballs fast. Finally been getting better in the past year though.

Obviously the mentally ill are an exception and should give give up on their dreams.


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Certainly, just don't pay attention to the beggars in the street or the lunatics in the institutions (jk, you don't see them anyway)

Never experienced a "normal" life to begin with, desu. We moved around at an almost yearly basis for most of my childhood and around the time things started to normalise, my parents got divorced, us kids torn between two different attempts at family, during this time there was never really any friendships made or familiarity with how to exactly be a social person.
The way it worked out is that when you grow up poor, etc. the only real way to be "normal" is by having a strong base of mates, typically an area you spent your youth cultivating connections, etc. in order to break into the "working class" working world. It's kind of weird how things turn out when you sort of have a seemingly stereotypical upbringing but never managed to fall into the social elements that make it viable. Basically always an outsider. I don't know if "middle class" or above type workplaces have it but there is a real stigma behind people who obviously don't easily fit into the mold regardless of whether or not they can perform the tasks required of them.
In my experience this has always resulted in bullying and harassment from others. One supervisor at a place I worked in the past even went out of his way to have shifts cut because apparently I made him feel uncomfortable for not being normal enough. No partner, no kids, "obscure" interests, etc. - all things apparently befitting of entry level wage slavery.

Ice cold.

>befitting of entry level wage slavery.

Well nothing magically happens for you. If you work hard at it and try to improve yourself then yeah it can. If you blame everything and everyone for your failures you will never improve and you'll die alone.

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I've seen 30yo neets in here (yup) so my guess is there's still ways to fuck it up
My advice would be don't commit the same mistakes as them

Everyone dies alone whether they defied gravity by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, or not.

>you'll get a job
God I hope not

Sure bud.
Forget all the people before you that had families and were beloved when they died.

When you die, there is no one else who experiences it along with you. It is an utterly lonesome process from living to no longer living. Your pathetic fear of ego death does not change the nature of biology.

i don't blame anyone for anything but i still don't have the drive to get a haircut, much less finish college or find a girlfriend

and i've always been like that, i basically only finished primary and high school because my family pressured me constantly

but i am an adult now, so nobody is pressuring me into anything

therefore i am a neet who only very occasionally works in really shitty jobs and makes enough to subsist

i was born this way, and i am going to die this way

>Not taking anyone with you when you die

>you'll find someone who loves you.

there are people who are too stupid and/or unstable to hold down a minimum wage job but still strong-armed out of getting disability income because the govt just won't acknowledge that they have a disability

these 90 IQ normalshits prescribing advice contingent on their own anecdotes and limited capabilities is laughable but ironically they're too dumb to ever realize that.


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dying is still a long way from here. sure we'll die alone but what's important is not missing on love and being together for the longest part of your life before your death

The way you are talking sounds like you have already accepted this fate of yours. Its never too late to change. And just small changes can make a difference. Then you just build your way up from there.

You normalfags are disgusting cowards, afraid to face life outside of your protected little bubbles of privilege.
Fuck off and die.

>e-e-e-erm, b-b-ecause the moment of your death and maybe the final moments of your life are lonely it's okay to be a neet failure like me reaching my late 20s telling myself these mongoloid excuses not to cry myself to sleep every night

you could be a colombian peasant who has to sell cocaine to make a decent living and gets executed by some crooked paramilitary

in your last dying breaths, do you always have to tell yourself that you could have willed out of that situation?

go embarass yourself on Jow Forums you ugly failure. normal people do the best they can to see the beauty of life and enjoy it while you can enjoy the bitter taste of regret that will dawn on you and consume you during all the final decades of your wasted life

>n-n-n-normies are lame fuck off please
your life story is "I never enjoyed anything because I'm ugly and ill in the head" that's more tragic and lame than anything

sorry, I can't project myself into nitpicky situations I've never lived. I'm sure there were better decisions for him to make tho. If only he had a gigantic IQ like me haha

>I can't project myself into nitpicky situations I've never lived
>" be a neet failure like me reaching my late 20s telling myself these mongoloid excuses not to cry myself to sleep every night "

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I'm not a normalfag
But I'm not a defeatist faggot that cries because life is hard and I feel entitled to things without working for them.

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I'm trying to be a normal fucking person and if I fail I'll kill myself not so hard

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>things will magically get better with time
No they don't. There is a reason why they haven't improved already. Unless you change things will never improve. You will become a middle aged old man with the same problems you always had, except that you will know that the time to fix them passed by a long time ago

can you post some ancient desu memes

ages ago you becoma a carpenter if your father was one, you emptied toilets if your father did so. no we have social mobility, you can rise from farmers daughter to lawyer in 10 years. that doesnt mean you are made for it. some people should just accept emptying poo buckets and marry their parents wish. they are not cut out for more than that. and it will be a happy life once you accept it.


But being a disgusting basic normie or a depressed and depraved neet are not the only two options :r)

That’s not true. 60% of men that ever existed never bred.