DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 野獣 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
I finally got my Wing Sung 3009 brush pens. Much better than the other brush pens I had before. More ink storage, piston accessible from outside, and (so far) higher bristle quality.
why does this look like it'd be getting some mad shits from this
Grayson Hughes
I am not studying german. When I saw a German sentence, I can determine whether it is written in standard German or not. That is all I can do, Hue
Ryder Jones
maple syrup comes to my mind first.
Jaxson Hughes
It's the kind of food you eat at 03:00 while completely plastered. It's salty, savoury, with a light sweetness from the cheese and the texture goes from thick gravy to crispy fries and cheese that squeaks as you bite into it. It's satisfying in a way that is hard to put into words. We do produce more than 50% of it every year, so that's fair. To really get the maple experience you need to go to a sugar shack, though.
It's not used at all just like how it isn't used in English.
Jonathan Clark
>My work makes me travel all over >My wife made me go to the store >I was made to stand in line >We were forced to read as kids
Anthony Roberts
hi 劉備
Angel Gutierrez
The first 2 are causative, the last 2 are said relatively rarely.
Brayden Wilson
You go to an érablière (Grove of maple trees), where they take all the maple sap and boil it down until it becomes syrup. These places also function as restaurants where, during the maple season (Right around when it starts to thaw in the spring) people go eat massive amounts of ham, meat pie, eggs, pancakes, baked beans, maple toffee, etc, usually with a lot of alcohol. You need to make reservations, but it's totally worth it. It is an absolute feast.
good morning. whats the point of saying ある for certain sentences, such as 体によくありません for not good for your body. couldnt you say 体によくない.
Josiah Evans
>It's not used at all Yeah if you read nothing but manga for kids maybe.
Zachary Powell
Literally autistic
Colton Lee
>couldnt you say 体によくない You can, but as for 体によくある you couldn't
Jose Wood
HI, one question, i have been following tae kim book on grammar, the problem is that I'm preparing for n5 and so, ある (exists (inanimate) in informal,is ありませ, as it's an u-verb and ..., the thing is, is recommended to take the approach of tae kim to prepare an exam? Seem that I will have to study a lot more material...
The left side is difficult to pronounce, so it is not used much in conversation. But often used in text in strict sentences, hue
Angel Moore
you can buy a book made specifically to prepare you for the n5 exam i think not sure how well they teach, however
Michael Hernandez
Think about what is arimasen in short form.
Anthony Rogers
Neck yourselves
Leo Green
Sounds great I eat very little fatty foods and I'm drooling over that ham right now
James Rodriguez
oh. so that is the polite version. see how easy it is to forget these things. thank you.
Jayden Cox
You are so retarded It's not even funny making fun of you, you're definitely mentally challenged. Are you sure you should be straining yourself this hard to learn a language you can't even learn? You've been making literally no progress and if you forget basic shit like this then I can guarantee that you will never learn this language. Retard.
Isaiah Powell
stop talking random shit.
Dylan Rivera
Weekend has come. hue
Andrew James
Absolutely, after you stop wasting everyone's time with your retarded questions. You have 0 will to learn anything, why are you even asking questions if you won't remember the answers?
Isaiah Long
but yes, aside from that i do agree there is little progress. i dont want to blame it on i hardly speak the language but i do see little change although i do try and read the guides. its not something i can fix if i dont want to study all day.
all i read are the guides on neocities and some manga every odd day. so i dont know where else to learn from. its not like i have japanese friends and i dont even know what to say in the other japanese thread, so i dont how to get better.
Tyler Butler
Watch "endless eight"
Parker Gomez
read more don't give up poorando is a test, ignore him. he's the voice in your head that says "dekinai"
Gavin Reyes
He's already been trying for almost a year now and he's at the stage where I've been at like I don't know, 1 month in maybe.
Christopher Nguyen
>the problem is that I'm preparing for n5 and so, ある (exists (inanimate) in informal,is ありませ, as it's an u-verb and ..., the thing is, is recommended to take the approach of tae kim to prepare an exam? Am I having a stroke?
how do I interpret this sentence with クスリと一緒に? "alongside the drugs, there was a bottle with some of liquid"? or is it simply "a bottle of liquid containing drugs"?
ive seen you write. i dont mean to be rude but were at the same level i think. but, i mean i can read what other people say but when i write it comes out wrong. ok ill try reading more. i dont wan to burn myself out but i have to continue too.
Jonathan Fisher
今ちのちゃんは 私 に 嗅ぐでいます Chino chan will now be sniffed by me
Tyler Williams
Fatty food is good for you. It's the non-fiber carbohydrates you should cut down on. If you're Caucasian, your ancestors adapted to fat-rich diets to survive the winter. It'd be like putting gasoline in a diesel engine. Try munching on walnuts, pecans or something throughout the day. I think you'll find you'll be a lot less hungry that way.
Joshua Clark
Learning any language is the equivalent of sprinting for your brain. If you don't feel borderline dizzy at the end of a study session, you're not pushing your brain hard enough. Sharpen your focus and hammer it in.
Samuel Foster
Reading comprehension is step one. Producing is very difficult, it's easy to miss little rules. You must slow down and reread the grammar sections you wish to use until they're natural. I revisit old grammar texts all the time.
I'm generally low-calorie right now, I want to get in the best shape of my life before I get old enough where it gets really difficult. I'm on a super high fruit/veg/whole grain diet with very little fats and sugars. I'm already not hungry, I just still crave tasty foods because I like to eat.
This morning I was below my high-school weight for the first time I can remember, gonna keep going and see where this ship takes me, I've lost ~6 pounds in the last month just cutting out the fatty foods I ate all the time.
Jaxson Hall
>I'm on a super high fruit/veg/whole grain diet with very little fats Yikes.
>Learning any language is the equivalent of sprinting for your brain. If you don't feel borderline dizzy at the end of a study session, you're not pushing your brain hard enough. YIKES.
Try one of the many, many edutainment apps on your phone. Treat it like a videogame and grind whenever you can. When kids are learning to speak their first language, some of them will start with a single word at a time and gradually start lengthening their sentences. Others will say nothing at all and then start saying full sentences all at once. Just keep working at it. Hey, if it works for you that's great! It's certainly a lot less expensive than my diet, I'm sure, lol. If I so much look at a stalk of celery my gut gets mad.
Nicholas Hill
You don't even post in this thread if you say that, neck yourself
Jason Rivera
>You must slow down and reread the grammar sections you wish to use until they're natural. this is exactly a good thing to do. youre right that you have to revisit lessons, even basic forms i am rereading.
Nathan Powell
>"alongside the drugs, there was a bottle with some of liquid" I really wanna read it like this as well, but the structure of the sentence deny it.
As an 一升瓶(1.8L) is hardly contained in another bottle, what she is mentioning as "これ" here should be the liquid itself. >"And this(liquid), I found it along side the drug in the bottle of Shochu" >I'm not sure whether she has poured it into the 1.8l bottle from another bottle of Shochu, or they are the same bottle. >but generally the size of bottles of Shochu is 720ml(there are 一升瓶s as well), so It's likely she poured it to 1.8l one. Anyway, it's still confusing that why the drug had not dissolve in the liquid and how she got to take the drug, which sounds like powder, out of a bottle of liquid.
Lucas Barnes
>edutainment apps you mean mobile video games? ive never really heard of this. ill keep trying, thanks for the words.
Thomas Walker
>edutainment education + entertainment edu + tainment Learning games
Mason Cruz
Are your posts questions? Or quizzes? Shouldn't Japanese respond?
Joshua Robinson
>"クスリと一緒に焼酎の瓶に入ってたんですけど" Here I meant >"this(liquid) was in the bottle of shochu, alongside the drug" >both the liquid and the drug were in the bottle.. Is the drug encapsulated in insoluble containers?
Aiden Ramirez
Learn English
Ian Sullivan
Ohh..I think I got it. It's like "この液体が焼酎の瓶に入って、クスリと一緒に(そこに)あった" Yes, as you guessed, it's >"alongside the drugs, there was a bottle with some of liquid"
Matthew Martin
I guess it's just a mistake by the writer, since previous context was talking about other drugs in bags of six. >ビニールに小分けされたものが多数……比較的大きな袋六つ、それは100グラムあるかないかという分量であった。 "Alongside the drugs" seems the most plausible. Thank you for the help
Kayden Carter
Sorry, it should be thisIt may be confusing indeed especially when written desu.
Isaiah Roberts
And the 一升瓶 is the bottle of 焼酎. Sorry for messing up desu.
I hope the Israeli user has got trapped in a 女装風俗 in Ueno and gives the best presentation of the class in his girl's outfit when he go back to his school.
>よく決めた "いい決まった" sounds just, just weird.. "いいこと(が)決まった" might sound "Yes, I made a really good resolution!" in some context, but rather sounds like some beneficial bill was passed by the diet or so, as it's an intransitive(not transitive "決めた") verb maybe.
Samuel Perez
Yeah I just realized it should be 決めた, I'm a retard since I let that get past me.
Daniel Brown
What rice wines would you guys recommend, btw? Selection is pretty sparse out here. We mostly get cheap bottles of Gekkeikan and the like.
Colton Reyes
>japan, poland, canada, austria, singapore damn I just realized most people posting here have only two colors (red and white) on their flag like japan
Meanwhile the US, UK, and Australia all have flags with red, white, and blue. We're truly the greatest posters.
Carter Rivera
Have you ever written kanji with a fountain pen? I want to get into calligraphy and also use it as a way to memorize but I don't have a brush pen and it just looks like shit (aside from being hard) done with a pen or pencil. Should I buy that chink one you mentioned?