So what do cops look like in your country, Jow Forums?
So what do cops look like in your country, Jow Forums?
like swine
Literally like this.
>You're sentenced to a 2 hour session of facesitting
How can that thing pass the running test for cops?
Runnig test?
The black guy's outfit almost acts like camouflage in that photo.
police on the left, cosplayer on the right?
tfw no police gf to tie me up and bully sexually for being scary creepy virgin freak
berskytä rallaa :Ddddd
nice pr pigs
Female cops are fucking worthless and tend to shoot guys because they get frightened too quick.
female cops here are always brown mizrahis girls
anglos have truly ceased to give a fuck
Coast guard (also militarized police)
You faggots have no idea how meme magic works. You propagate this meme as a "hilarious joke", but literal fart fetishists come here and think they're in good company. Then the meme just continues snowballing. It's bad, and you're all faggots. Literal monkey-tier faggotry.
post the other one
Good. Males need culling.
this one?
Usually they're tall and handsome working class-middle class dudes
is there any context?
They are British
it's a festival, notting hill carnival
celebrates caribbean culture and its impact on britain
the police are told to be laid back at these sort of events, to foster goodwill with the public
does it work? do you feel more positive about the police after watching these videos?
no, but the negroes attending these events do
police are class traitors especially the city of london police
She can detain me anytime.
Hang yourself tranny
the one on the right is wearing a costume, the one on the left is an actual police woman who is being sexually assaulted
I want video footage of her being gangraped by Russian mafia
S(h)it on my face
Уёбищe нocaтoe, пиздeц, фy. Pyccкoe Хoхляцкoe Eблopycкoe бaбьё вcё cтpёмнoe пoгoлoвнo бeз мaкияжa. Пиздeц пpocтo
Like this
had to sit down after seeing this one
the N killers, called only for N killing
so do these guys really go on favela massacres or is that just sensationalized bullshit?
>pull over goy
min fv
enter in combat with armed favelados and erase them easily, because they have no training with the heavy weaponry they use
leftists love when cops die, but with those ones the game is different, that's why they are 100% despised by leftists
why is israel literally just copypasted america? no one would even think that wasn't the US if not for the text being in swahili
sir, can you inspect my benis if it's against the rule of the jule?
This is so offputting compared to an actual copper-looking hottie
exactly my thought
>listing after women you’ll never ever get even ones that look like her
Why you guys do this to yourself?
Don't ruin a wonderful image with mentions of excrement, swedecuck
UK here. Got arrested by a female cop once. Was kind of hot, but being in a cell was grim.
90% of them are fat useless cunts
I like those cargo pants
posted memes without loicense?
>only if i can pull out
fighting. a minor offence. they showed up to my house with 4 cars and about 8 officers. you'd've thought i'd killed someone.
>showed up to my house with 4 cars and about 8 officers
why not just one armed officer and 1 car?
So your PD is as useless as your military being full of insta thots?
Posting a not hot one with poo references is permissable and if anything fitting
it's far better this way
that's only if you're caught without a bread knife or tv licence
good aesthetics
She looks like she has seen some shit.
What do police girls smell like
i just imagine these fem cops as evil cunts same as regular satanic cops
t. knower of white w*man's ways
CHADs of the road.
>car says polis
sure this isn't sweden?
Only the other side
can someone explain this? I never understood this gif.
Dude clearly skipped the door breaching class at the academy.
he didn't tip