Can someone redpill me on italian women?
Can someone redpill me on italian women?
Holy fucking shit.
North Italian women are the most attractive women I've ever seen. Haven't visited southern parts of Italy, though, so I can't judge them as a whole, but northerners are top-tier cities. Also much skinnier and with better fashion sense than the lardasses I see here.
your women are pretty much Russian women but less Asiatic
They act like their pussy is made of gold until you buy them a couple drinks and they prove to be whores
Conflicted between traditional values and feminist attitudes, will always love a strong man/provider type
Usually good in bed they have experience from a young age. Any 18+ you meet who doesn't look like a malformed donkey has had at least one or more sexual partners
>Any 18+ you meet who doesn't look like a malformed donkey has had at least one or more sexual partners
it's the same everywhere
>They act like their pussy is made of gold until you buy them a couple drinks and they prove to be whores
>Any 18+ you meet who doesn't look like a malformed donkey has had at least one or more sexual partners
Didn't know Italian women were literally Russian women. kek
Top tier(i hope that qt italian femanon replies to mee)
They are so sensual and feminine...does being an American carry any weight with them?
>your women are pretty much Russian women but less Asiatic
explain this?
>woman has obvs dyed hair she must be northron
The south has gingers just like the North has darks retard. One of the Miss Sicily's was a ginger.
>Conflicted between traditional values and feminist attitudes
Explain this? What are Italian feminists like?
Being american is a negative in most european countries from what I hear.
Why are there so many hungarian qts in porn? They're always gorgeous too.
russian women have round faces, small round skulls, small pointy noses, they are very short and the majority of them have brown hair (unless they dye it blonde. There are almost no natural blondes in Russia unless they have foreign background) and brown/grey eyes. That's why russian women have this 'cute' look up until they turn 25-30 when they start ageing like milk and get all wrinkly and their skin becomes more coarse and ugh and yuck.
Gib cute western woman pls :c
>The south has gingers just like the North has darks retard. One of the Miss Sicily's was a ginger.
Why does South Italy get so much hate?
why does this entire board hate me for what i am?
>can't go a single fucking day without "lol shitalians aren't white they're muslim rapebabies look at this scene from tarantino it applies to all of southern europe"
>romans were nordic
fuck this board. If I was born in literally any other state i wouldn't be this shit, rootless ethnicity.
Not like american ones who hate men (except in Bologna and the surrounding area which is beyond saving). They're more like "yeah I'm strong independent woman and I do what I want "
>Gib cute western woman pls :c
careful what you wish for
South Italy is generally poorer than the north and some regions are a huge drain on the economy
Less developed, and poltards cling to North Italy more because they consider it Germanic kek
Western Women > sl*ve whores
Absolutely based and truthpilled
>Being american is a negative in most european countries from what I hear.
Have you considered that European men are just telling you that in the same way that black men force the meme that black women never go for white guys? I mean it's not like they're going to be looking out for your best interests, are they?
>sl*ve whores
how bad are they?
Who was that? I must have missed it
>The south has gingers just like the North has darks retard.
Uhhh, okay? I just said that I don't know what the average person in South Italy looks like because I've never visited it.
That's not true, our women look more like Slovaks and Croats than Russians, which makes sense from the genetic point of view. And they're a lot swarthier.
Kek you say that now, but if you met them IRL...
>it's the same everywhere
no shit. Incels are angry that thots never gave them the teenage love they wanted so much. if there's something that doesn't change between nations is the incel monologue they have every day in their heads when the subject "woman' pops up
And before you try to call me a roastie to fit into your narrative, I'm gay and couldn't care less about them lmao. All my friends are male
>every nation on this planet has fucked a Ruski woman
>They don't have any traditional values because of western degeneracy and growing muh feminism movement
>less attractive than western women (when both are without makeup)
>produce the ugliest males on Earth (only rivalled by south-east asians and indians and aussie aboriginals)
>They hate their own men and want to marry a rich foreigner
>52% divorce rate (and it's only a 2011 stat)
>Most of them consume alcohol
>A huge number of girls have tattoos (not so much piercing though)
>They have shallow personalities
still better than Russian "women"
And don't forget that they're also exceptionally boring (moreso than other women) and dumb as bricks. Literally never met one that actually had interests or a personality.
(I'm talking about Eastern Euro women in general, not just Slavs)
Fake news, she dyed her hair red. She has brown hair, she's a brunette
A funny german? Must be immigrant
I have said that
>They don't have any traditional values because of western degeneracy and growing muh feminism movement
what about siberian women?
BASED ITALIAN FEMANON please send me some selfies uwu
Do western women treat you with kindness and generosity? What are your experiences with western women like?
same but more asian (due to mixing with yakut men) and much dumber (because all russians who live to the right of the Ural mountains have an IQ of a soggy newspaper)
Alas, poor tagalog, they never do
How does one get a hungrian gf?
They only fuck Swedish guys
Hungarian cities are crawling with pornographers
>tiny second toe
do not trust.spic
shower, go outside and speak to a female
>Hungarian cities are crawling with pornographers
how is budapest?
>Hungarian cities are crawling with pornographers
why tho?
what are the best northern cities and towns in italy?
>Do western women treat you with kindness
They were definitely more kind to me (as in were more interested in what I was saying and actually listened to me. Every western girl I had a chance to talk to was invested in the conversation and it wasn't just me asking her normie NPC questions like it is with Russian girls, because they have no interests apart from how to apply makeup, your job/income, how YOU look, the latest netflix/YouTube/TV series and other low iq infantile hobbies/interests)
Not sure about this one? What do you mean?
>What are your experiences with western women like?
Mostly positive. There are definitely nutters out there (roasties, thots, degens, etc. but there are as many in Russia, if not more)
I only ever went on dates with Russian girls. Hopefully, one day I'll go on a date with some European qt
Literally richer than you
Dumb, driven by emotion, without any understanding of what it means to be mature, you can find 16 yo chicks dancing in a disco past midnight acting like they know how everything works, while in truth the only thing working is the cosby approved drugs some guy will inevitably dump in their drinks, egoism is off the chart too, they bitch and moan for every little thing possible, from shaming you for not earning enough money to moments where you do some minor thing wrong wich will cause so much autistic screeching it will make you want to shoot yourself right there on the spot, it's basically inprinted in every italian woman dna to call you out on every fucking thing and when you tell her to fuck off she inevitably reminds you how much uncaring of her you are, when i truth you sacrifice your precious weekends where you could rest until 11 am for some thrilling normie meme shit like going around shopping, eating to a restaurant, go into some degenerate shitty disco flabbing your body like a retard and waste hours making the perfect instagram image to share with your followers!
And the sex too is shit, they don't care about it, it's just a mean to an end, a chore to legitimize all the money and happiness she sucks out of you.
Fuck italian womens.
Because campania,sicily and puglia are the reason we can't have nice things.
>grass is greener user
>I only ever went on dates with Russian girls. Hopefully, one day I'll go on a date with some European qt
Who pays on the dates in Russia?
italian girls are cute
Asuka is shit
>Because campania,sicily and puglia are the reason we can't have nice things.
why tho?
Is it in Hungary?
Oh, you really ought to know why by now.
>hurr durr muh Russian order bride
>hurr durr Russian women are better
you can fuck off and have a nice day (not)
Men. Why? Isn't it the same everywhere?
The more I read the more I just want a autistic german gf
Never penis wave, you'll always come out short
Imagine niggers but greedy and cunning like a jew.
Haven't watched evagelion it seemed like a good reaction image to me
>mfw no autistic german gf to get into rational arguments with
>this is autistic
We really are living in the era of diluted terminology
what would you argue about with her?
You go to Hungary and tell them that you're a rich westerner.
Don't watch it, they troll you at the end
Hungarian women are fat and ugly as sin, pornstars don't represent the general population.
Here you split the bill.
Wodomancastingx Stella Cardo
Get a swiss one, simpler people with plenty of human decency and humilty, germans are too much industrialized and pozzed like the italian ones.
shut up hussan al-nuri.
every hungarian girl i've met has been cute though, checkmate lad
Not related at all to what I was talking about.
Approximately 95% of Hungarian women I've met have been fat and/or ugly.
so i should have been born gay or a woman then
Such cope, delectable
>Hungarian women are fat and ugly as sin, pornstars don't represent the general population.
Can you share some examples?
ty breh
they are bunch of HOMOS
yeah but who should people trust more, someone who actually lives in hungary, or someone who holds an ideal based on a couple of people he met on holiday
i think we both know the answer mate
italian women have really beautiful feet
Nigga Tarantino hates whites even more than Jow Forums does.
wanna switch? I would much rather be a straight man and be able to have children. of course I'll keep my brain cause I don't wanna turn into a frustrated incel complaining before he even tried
fuck off gook
>just take le shower lulllzzzz
Top tier coin slot slits too
whiter than you sandnigger
>Can you share some examples?
Sure. Here's a pic from some random school, though I suspect even this is cherrypicked since there's a strange lack of fat people.
suck my fat cock then retard. then at least you can experience human contact without having to put any effort into it beforehand
>he cant get laid
>well that means that the person obviously doesn't take showers
Where does this retarded meme come from?
what's it like to be at school in hungary? seems comfy
I thought this was me for a second
another ethnic Italian in Korea??