who else /detached/?
Who else /detached/?
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no one who has detached earlobes can be considered attractive prove me wrong
Mine are semiattached if that makes any sense.
detached BLACK man masterrace
attached earlobes freak me out t.b.h
Most Catholic whites have detached as me.
Yes, only East Asians are attached right?
getting there
my earlobes are attached
I didn't know attached earlobes were a thing
no. i'd say 15-20% of people here probably have attached
who the fuck has attached earlobes?
attached look like alien
Women mainly. It's a feminine trait, like having breasts or a vagina.
>Women mainly
that must be a mutt trait i guess
Gooks. They all have attached earlobes. And I'm not talking about chinamen
weird, I could swear it was the literal opposite.
I have plainly visible attached earlobes almost like a web and I think it's quite obvious that I'm not Asian
dont touch me if you are att*choid
attached is fucked up
I don't see people with attached earlobes.
maybe because it's an oxymoron
Attached earlobe master race
I'm pure iberian.
I was originally going to call bullshit since I’m a CHI with attached earlobes, but now I see that you guys were correct
Yeah, mine look like pretty much.
do wh*Tes have attached? Chinks do for sure
nice, a literal mutt
think it's CONNECTED to heart disease propensity ;)
I’d wager that most mexicans have the same degree of muttness I do. Although like in most of society the poorer people still tend to be browner and the richer people tend to be whiter. I have a cousin who works as a computer engineer and he could definitely pass for white in your country, then again once he starts talking you’ll immediately be able to tell where he’s from
Wtf attached lobes look so weird and disgusting
Is the right pic some kind of genetic defect?
My dad always said humans with attached earlobes are bad people.
spaniards are mutts
lmao, wondered that too, if she's part jewish.
I am half and i have detached.
i think that's some sort of mongrel volga-ural , Hunter gatherer , steppe trait.
>detached earlobes
Attached is not aesthetic aka subhuman
>the chad earlobe vs the incel earlobe
feels good not being a chinlet + earlet
I have never seen any tho
But you're an ultra manlet
>t. lanklet
but he is FILIPINO