I hate men

I hate men.

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peepee poopoo

based, i wish the world was only women and me

Even the welsh?

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they hate themselves too
don't worry

All men are the same

Then get off this website because feminazis don't belong here.

I hate you. go fall in a pit and die.


This. I hate them equally

Oi, Fatima, go to kitchen right now! I told your mother that we did mistake when we allowed you going to school.

I hate T*rks. Give back Constantinople, now.

I want you to die.

the gender studies didn't get you a well payed job?

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What do you mean by posting a picture of CHADhar here?

Classic response. did that male brain of yours think too hard to come up with that?

why? ;(

I'm just shitposting.

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post tits

How can hairy turks even tell the women apart from the men?

The feeling is mutual

fuck off femoid scum

I uronically want to stab you

Kys she-roach. Give back the lands you stole.

Are you lesbian?

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What made you hate men?

Ugly bitch, get yourself a boyfriend.

this made me cum :D'

You are not a woman. You are not feminine. You are a mentally unstable man that cut your own dick off. Now go dilate

have fun trying

I can't wait for a world free of femoids after artificial wombs make your only purpose obsolete

I don't hate them but high t should be treated as a disease. It makes men violent and primitive, and that's when crime starts to kick in. If we want real peace, society should aspire to be as feminine as possible.

>"""girl""' posts some shit
> 30 replies in 20 minutes

men are so predictable......

how about no

can't wait till you trannies get the rope

Number of wars started by women: 0
Number of wars started by men: ...

worst bait in the thread, femoid monarchs have historically declared more wars than their male counterparts

women start more wars than men

also you're not a woman

helo :D

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You can't possibly know any of that. What if OP is really cute and attractive

>womans can't even start wars

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henlo apu how r u today :)

>Produced, fed and clothed by a man.
>Hates men.

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I love men. Not all of them, but some of them are absolutely lovely

t. bisexual with a slight preference for men

Spanish education. What about your Isabella the Catholic though? She commanded to kill moors in Spain.

i am ok fren. you ok fren?

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based, if only she killed OP's ancestors too

God I fucking hate autogynephiliacs
You're all mentally ill

I want cute turkish gf one day

I like benis and they have benis

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>tfw no hateful gf to be stabbed and killed by

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i am ok too fren

I miau at my cat and she miau back :))

miu :DDDD

i love cocks, does that count as a man?

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>tfw no edgelord femdom bloodplay gf

you're not cute

I do too, sis.
Men are demons, or at least demonic souls.

Men are better then woman.
I wish I was gay, but was cursed to forever be a slave of the vaginal jew

maauu :DDD

That count as being a faggot.

just find a cute bf

You should pity men for how disgusting and aggressive they are, but hate is not healthy.

you have never meet me, you are excused.

:D very nice. can see cat fren?

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