Why do Finns, Bulgarians, and Hungarians have Mongoloid features despite being so far from Mongolia and central Asia?
Why do Finns, Bulgarians, and Hungarians have Mongoloid features despite being so far from Mongolia and central Asia?
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go take a hike fatso
We are PVRE Hunter gatherer BVLLS
We are the lost mongolian tribes
we moved. foreign concept to jurofatties? b*ats dont count obviously
because they arent converted rape babys, unlike t*rks
I'm just asking a question.
But that is pretty autistic of you. You gotta know your audience, Hans.
It's all derived from 19th century demographic race studies and then the early eugenic studies (for example those done by the French and, naturally, the Swedes). It's not something your average Hun would know about, or even want to know about.
The only reason some Finns know about it are because of the constant parallels drawn with Sweden and Finland. And we like to dig up this wacky shit that's scientifically embarassing nowadays.
Finns have 8% east asian from the ancestral migration of the originally korean uralics which stablished their genetic legacy through haplogroup N, biggest haplogroup in Finland, besides that they have a large Ancient North Eurasian, which shared some features with east asians such as horizontally elongated eyes (but not epicantic folds)
Just little bit Siberian admixture
8 to 12*
>originally korean uralics
Uralic languages originate in Ural mountains or thereabouts in a population genetically more like a Finn than a Mongolian
The reason why Saami people have a ton of East Asian admixture is because an eastern Siberian culture moved to eastern Fennoscandia before Uralics
thank you, you will be duly rewarded
Once, the USA banned Finns from entering because they were considered chinaswedes whose Mongolian ancestry outweighed their white ancestry. This was overturned by a judge who said that they WERE mongols but it was okay because their European heritage was strong enough fro them to be considered white anyway.
Thats why I said originally, the migration started somewhere in the manchuria/korea region roughly 8000 years ago, it went through the russian artic coast til it reached finland, ironically at that latitude the distance was the same as the distance from Spain to Finland. This population mixed with local populations producing turkics such as khazaks, and also yakuts and dimas, eventually they reached finland and stablished a patriarchal society, nowadays most finnish males carry that genetic legacy
>If the Finns were originally Mongols, modifying influences have continued until they are now among the whitest people in Europe. It would, therefore, require a most exhaustive tracing of family history to determine whether any particular individual born in Finland had or had not a remote Mongol ancestry.
DNA tests are a meme
>manchuria/korea region roughly 8000 years ago
That's not long enough ago. Check YFull if you love haploshit so much.
>it went through the russian artic coast til it reached finland
That's nonsense since Finnish N1c comes from the Volga via Estonia in the last 3000-4000 years. The Arctic Siberians you are talking about didn't pass on fatherlines to Finns since they were weak and were dominated by people thousands of years more advanced than them.
We do have some of their maternal lines though.
Turks are Anatolians brainwashed into thinking to be retarded mongolians
I will check this out
Asians r based